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But imtfj tenUtttg of soul ann of strengtij, ixtitfj a sacrifice fjumari,
OTttfj tfje fclijjljtmg of goutfj, arto trje fairing afoag of our manfjooo" :
p?car its, O Baal.
Deafness and dumbness hath Baal, the god of the heathen ;
Still through the ages resoundeth the voice of the Just One,
Calm with the calmness of woe overcome and accomplished :
Having ascended, He sitteth at rest with the Father,
Waiting the fulness of time, His atonement's fruition —
Awful in calmness and strength is the voice of the Just One :—
The gospel have they, the law and light, but they will not hearken.
My Spirit shall not for ever strive with man;
Though one should rise from the dead, they would not observe nor profit ;
The tree that falleth to south or north, as it falls must lie.