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Baal, foe crjj to tfjee from morning till eben,—
£n tlje cbe of creation foe erg to tfjee, Baal tfje Ancient;
belter us, sfjauofo of Baal, from fgim, the .Supernal ;
Het tfye mountains of Baal fall on us, anfc cober our faces,
plateful in ligljt is tlje JBag^pring eternal:
$ear us, © Baal.
Deafness and dumbness hath Baal, the god of the heathen ;
Only the voice of the Judge rolleth down on the thunder.
He whom they pierced they shall look on, and know that they pierced Him ;
Fearful in sternness the love cast aside and despised,
Sorrow encrystalled to wrath, as the mountains unbending ;
Kven the sun in his strength fades to darkness before Him:—