Abbreviations and Letter Symbols
- r/s—revolutions per second
- s—second (time)
- s—shilling
- S—Siemens
- sb—stilb
- scp—spherical candlepower
- s·ft—second-foot
- shp—shaft horsepower
- slug—slug
- sr—steradian
- sSf—standard saybolt fural
- sSu—standard saybolt universal
- stdft³—standard cubic foot (feet)
- Sus—saybolt universal second(s)
- T—tera (prefix, 1 trillion)
- Tft³—trillion cubic feet
- T—tesla
- t—tonne (metric ton)
- tbsp—tablespoonful
- thm—therm
- ton—ton
- tsp—teaspoonful
- Twad—twaddell
- u—(unified) atomic mass unit
- UHF—ultrahigh frequency
- V—volt
- VA—voltampere
- var—var
- VHF—very high frequency
- V/m—volt per meter
- W—watt
- Wb—weber
- Wh—watthour
- W/(m·K)—watt per meter kelvin
- W/sr—watt per steradian
- W/(sr·m²)—watt per steradian square meter
- x—unknown quantity (italic)
- yd—yard
- yd²—square yard
- yd³—cubic yard
- yr—year
Standard Latin abbreviations
When Latin abbreviations are used, follow this list.
- a.—annus, year; ante, before
- A.A.C.—anno ante Christum in the year before Christ
- A.A.S.—Academiae Americanae Socius, Fellow of the American Academy [Academy of Arts and Sciences]
- A.B.—artium baccalaureus, bachelor of arts
- ab init.—ab initio, from the beginning
- abs. re.—absente reo, the defendant being absent
- A.C.—ante Christum, before Christ
- A.D.—anno Domini, in the year of our Lord
- a.d.—ante diem, before the day
- ad fin.—ad finem, at the end, to one end
- ad h.l.—ad hunc locum, to this place, on this passage
- ad inf.—ad infinitum, to infinity
- ad init.—ad initium, at the beginning
- ad int.—ad interim, in the meantime
- ad lib.—ad libitum, at pleasure
- ad loc.—ad locum, at the place
- ad val.—ad valorem, according to
- A.I.—anno inventionis, in the year of the discovery
- al.—alia, alii, other things, other persons
- A.M.—anno mundi, in the year of the world; Annus mirabilis, the wonderful year [1666]; a.m., ante meridiem, before noon
- an.—anno, in the year; ante, before
- ann.—annales, annals; anni, years
- A.R.S.S.—Antiquariorum Regiae Societatis Socius, Fellow of the Royal Society of Antiquaries