Page:U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual 2008.djvu/268

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Chapter 9.

A.U.C.—anno urbis conditae, ab urbe conolita, in [the year from] the building of the City [Rome], 753 B.C.
B.A.—baccalaureus artium, bachelor of arts
B. Sc.—baccalaureus scientiae, bachelor of science
C.—centum, a hundred; condemno, I condemn, find guilty
c.—circa, about
cent.—centum, a hundred
cf.—confer, compare
CM.—chirurgiae magister, master of surgery
coch.—cochlear, a spoon, spoonful
coch. amp.—cochlear amplum, a tablespoonful
coch. mag.—cochlear magnum, a large spoonful
coch. med.—cochlear medium, a dessert spoonful
coch. parv.—cochlear parvum, a teaspoonful
con.—contra, against; conjunx, wife
C.P.S.—custos privati sigilli, keeper of the privy seal
C.S.—custos sigilli, keeper of the seal
cwt.—c. for centum, wt. for weight, hundredweight
D.—Deus, God; Dominus, Lord; d., decretum, a decree; denarius, a penny; da, give
D.D.—divinitatis doctor, doctor of divinity
D.G.—Dei gratia, by the grace of God; Deo gratias, thanks to God
D.N.—Dominus noster, our Lord
D.Sc.—doctor scientiae, doctor of science
d.s.p.—decessit sine prole, died without issue
D.V.—Deo volente, God willing
dwt.—d. for denarius, wt. for weight pennyweight
e.g.—exempli gratia, for example
et al.—et alibi, and elsewhere; et alii, or aliae, and others
etc.—et cetera, and others, and so forth
et seq.—et sequentes, and those that follow
et ux.—et uxor, and wife
F.—filius, son
f.—fiat, let it be made; forte, strong
fac.—factum similis, facsimile, an exact copy
fasc.—fasciculus, a bundle
fl.—flores, flowers; floruit, flourished; fluidus, fluid
f.r.—folio recto, right-hand page
F.R.S.—Fraternitatis Regiae Socius, Fellow of the Royal Society
f.v.—folio verso, on the back of the leaf
guttat.—guttatim, by drops
H.—hora, hour
h.a.—hoc anno, in this year; hujus anni, this year's
hab. corp.—habeas corpus, have the body—a writ
h.e.—hie est, this is; hoc est, that is
h.m.—hoc mense, in this month; huius mensis, this month's
h.q.—hoc quaere, look for this
H.R.I.R—hie requiescat in pace, here rests in peace
H.S.—hie sepultus, here is buried; hie situs, here lies; h.s., hoc sensu, in this sense
H.S.S.—Historiae Societatis Socius, Fellow of the Historical Society
h.t.—hoc tempore, at this time; hoc titulo, in or under this title
I—Idus, the Ides; i., id, that; immortalis, immortal
ib. or ibid.—ibidem, in the same place
id.—idem, the same
i.e.—id est, that is