Page:U.S. Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific (February 2018).pdf/1

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(U) National Security Challenges

  • (S//NF) How to maintain U.S. strategic primacy in the Indo-Pacific region and promote a liberal economic order while preventing China from establishing new, illiberal spheres of influence, and cultivating areas of cooperation to promote regional peace and prosperity?
  • (S//NF) How to ensure North Korea does not threaten the United States and its allies, accounting for both the acute present danger and the potential for future changes in the level and type of the threat posed by North Korea?
  • (S//NF) How to advance U.S. global economic leadership while promoting fair and reciprocal trade?

(U) Enduring Vital Interests of the United States:

  • (U) Protect the homeland;
  • (U) Advance American prosperity;
  • (U) Preserve peace through strength; and
  • (U) Advance American influence.

(U) Top Interests of the United States in the Indo-Pacific:

  • (S//NF) Defend the homeland and American citizens abroad; prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them;
  • (S//NF) Preserve U.S. economic, diplomatic, and military access to the most populous region of the world and more than one-third of the global economy;
  • (S//NF) Enhance the credibility and effectiveness of our alliances; and
  • (S//NF) Maintain U.S. primacy in the region while protecting American core values and liberties at home.

(U) Assumptions:

  • (U//FOUO) U.S. security and prosperity depend on free and open access to the Indo-Pacific region, which will remain an engine of U.S., regional, and global economic growth.
  • (U//FOUO) North Korea's nuclear missiles and its stated intention of subjugating South Korea pose a grave threat to the U.S. homeland and our allies.Classified by: MPottinger, DAP and Senior Director for Asia, NSC
    Derived From: NSD SCG
    Declassify On: 20421231

NSC declassification review
Declassified in Part
by Assistant to the President for National Security Affaires
Robert C. O'Brien 1/5/2021