Page:U.S. Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific (February 2018).pdf/3

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(U) Desired End States:

  • (S//NF) North Korea no longer poses a threat to the U.S. homeland or our allies; the Korean Peninsula is free of nuclear, chemical, cyber, or biological weapons.
  • (S//NF) The United States maintains diplomatic, economic, and military preeminence in the fastest-growing region of the world; most nations in the Indo-Pacific view the United States as their preferred partner; U.S. economic strength and influence increase throughout the region.
  • (S//NF) Regional countries uphold the principles that have enabled U.S. and regional prosperity and stability, including sovereignty, freedom of navigation and overflight, standards of trade and investment, respect for individual rights and rule of law, and transparency in military activities.
  • (S//NF) Free market are the mainstream of Asia, and the U.S. economy generates jobs and growth as a consequence of its interaction with the Indo-Pacific region.
  • (S//NF) Regional disputes are resolved lawfully and without coercion.
  • (S//NF) Southeast Asia is bound more tightly together in business, security, and civil society – including through a strengthened Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) – and works closely with the United States and our allies and key partners to uphold the principles identified above.
  • (S//NF) Southeast Asia is capable of managing terrorist threats with minimal assistance from non-ASEAN states.
  • (S//NF) India's preferred partner on security issues is the United States. The two cooperates to preserve maritime security and counter Chinese influence in South and Southeast Asia and other regions of mutual concern. India maintains the capacity to counter border provocations by China.
  • (S//NF) India remains preeminent in South Asia and takes the leading role in maintaining India Ocean security, increases engagement with Southeast Asia, and expands its economic, defense, and diplomatic cooperation with other U.S. allies and partners in the region.
  • (S//NF) The United States and its partners on every continent are resistant to Chinese activities aimed at undermining their sovereignty, including through covert or coercive influence.

(U) Lines of Efforts:

(U) Alliances & Partnerships

  • (S//NF) Objective: Emphasize our commitment to the region, highlighting a shared vision for a "free and open Indo-Pacific."