Page:U.S. Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific (February 2018).pdf/7

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(See: "U.S. Strategic Framework for Countering China's Economic Aggression.")

  • (S//NF) Objective: Promote U.S. values throughout the region to maintain influence and counterbalance Chinese models of government.
  • Actions: Develop public and private messaging and promote initiatives that show the benefits of democracy and liberty to all counties, including economic, technologic, and societal benefits.
  • Coordinate efforts to protect and promote internationally recognized rights and freedoms with likeminded partners.
  • Engage South Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia, Japan, and other reginal democratic partners to demonstrate their own successes and the benefits they have accrued.
  • Support activists and reformers throughout the region.
  • Offer development, technical, and legal assistance to those countries who seek to reform.
  • (S//NF) Objective: Deter China from using military force against the United States and U.S. allies or partners, and develop the capabilities and concepts to defeat Chinese actions across the spectrum of conflict.
  • Actions: Enhance combat-credible U.S. military presence and posture in the Indo-Pacific region to uphold U.S. interests and security commitments.
  • Devise and implement a defense strategy capable of, but not limited to: (1) denying China sustained air and sea dominance inside the "first island chain" in conflict; (2) defending the first-island-chain nations, including Taiwan; and (3) dominating all domains outside the first-island-china.      
  • Help our allies and partners improve their security posture, including military capabilities an interoperability, to ensure strategic independence and freedom from Chinese coercion. Expand partnerships and capabilities that limit China's ability to coerce allies and patners.
  • (S//NF) Objective: Enhance U.S. engagement in the region while also educating governments, businesses, universities, Chinese overseas students, news media, and general citizenries about China's coercive behavior and influence operations around the globe.
  • Actions: Establish a mechanism that provides publicly available information that explains Chinese activities and