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the problems they pose to the interests, liberty and sovereignty of nations.    

  • Invest in capabilities   that promote uncensored communication between Chinese people.
  • (S//NF) Objective: Cooperative with China when beneficial to U.S. interests.
  • Actions: In our diplomacy with China, emphasize high-level, substantive interaction to realize the President's vision for a constructive, results-oriented relationship. Past diplomacy has often been broad and shallow, which suits China's interest.
  • (S//NF) Objective: Maintain an intelligence advantage over China, and inoculate the United States, its allies, and partners against Chinese intelligence activities.
  • Actions: Equip U.S. allies and partners to cooperate with the United States in operating against China and countering China's clandestine activities in their counties.
  • Expand and prioritize U.S. intelligence and law enforcement activities that counter Chinese influence operations. Get like-minded countries to do the same.
  • Strengthen defensive and offensive counter-intelligence functions across the public and private sectors to neutralize China's growing intelligence advantages; expand intelligence diplomacy and law enforcement cooperation with other governments to bolster understanding of Chinese intentions and capabilities.
  • Help allies and partners develop high standards in counterintelligence, counter proliferation, cyber security, industrial security, and management of classified information.

(U) Korean Peninsula

  • (S//NF) Objective: Convince the Kim regime that the only path to its survival is to relinquish its nuclear weaphons.
  • Actions: Maximzie pressure on Pyongyang using economic, diplomatic, military, law enforcement, intelligence, and information tools to cripple North Korea's weapons of mass destruction programs, choke off currency flows, weaken the regime, and set the conditions for negotiations aimed at reversing its nuclear and missile programs, ultimately achieving the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of the Peninsula. Consider negotiations if North Korea takes steps to revers its nuclear and missile programs. (see: "The President's North Korea Strategy," Cabinet Memo, 28 March 2017.)