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(j) in diagram No. 488 the indication "until 12 MDNT" shall be varied or omitted to accord with the circumstances;

(k) in diagram No. 483 the panel bearing the word "Free" shall be omitted and in diagrams Nos. 484 to 488 inclusive a similar panel shall be included, to accord with the circumstances.

(2) In a sign shown in any of the diagrams Nos. 460 to 464 inclusive there may be incorporated the arms of the Council in whose administrative area the sign is placed provided that the indication of the place name in the sign is not thereby materially impaired. The arms may be shown either in the colours normally used by the Council or in black.

10. In a sign shown in any of the diagrams Nos. 416, 429 to 472 inclusive, 474, 477, 478, 479 and 480 in the First Schedule there shall be incorporated such route numbers, chequer symbols ( except in signs shown in diagrams Nos. 429, 430, 448 and 450), place names and number and types of panels and arrows as may be appropriate having regard to the place where the sign is erected, and in a sign shown in any of the diagrams Nos. 416, 447, 452, 453, 459, 462, 465, 466, 467, 479 and 480 there shall be incorporated such distances as may be so appropriate and in a sign shown in any of the diagrams Nos. 422 to 428 inclusive, 449, 451, 453, 454, 466 to 470 inclusive, 474 and 480 the direction of the fingerpost shall be varied to accord with the circumstances.

11. To signs shown in diagrams Nos. 456, 457 and 458 in the First Schedule place names may be added where it is considered necessary.


12.(1) Where in any diagram in the First Schedule dimensions for any detail are not indicated, the dimensions which shall apply to that detail shall be the relevant dimensions indicated in the first diagram in the said Schedule which includes that detail.

(2) Where in any diagram in the First Schedule dimensions for a sign are indicated in brackets against dimensions not so indicated, the first mentioned dimensions may be treated as an alternative to the second mentioned dimensions.

(3) The size of a sign shown in any of the diagrams Nos. 105 to 111 inclusive, 118, 119, 120, 145 and 146 in the First Schedule may be increased by doubling all the dimensions applicable to that sign other than dimensions as to the width or radius of any border of the sign.

(4) The size of a sign shown in either of the diagrams Nos. 429 and 430 may be increased by extending all the dimensions applicable to that sign by 50%.

Proportions and form of letters and numerals

13. Except in the case of the signs shown in diagrams Nos. 215 and 307 in which the letters shall be compressed laterally to suit the width of the signs, and in the case of signs shown in diagrams Nos. 471 and 472, all letters and numerals incorporated in the signs shown in the First Schedule shall have the proportions and form shown in diagram 1 in the Fourth Schedule to these Regulations:

Provided that letters and numerals having the proportions and form shown in diagram 2 in the said Fourth Schedule may be incorporated in any such sign other than the signs shown in diagrams Nos. 215 and 307 if the sign is placed on or near a road at any time before the expiration of two years from the coming into operation of these Regulations.