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S/RES/2343 (2017)

(d) Support the Government of Guinea-Bissau, in cooperation with the Peacebuilding Commission towards the mobilization, harmonization and coordination of international assistance, including for the implementation of the national security sector reform and rule of law strategies, and enhancing cooperation with the AU, ECOWAS, CPLP, EU and other partners in support of the maintenance of constitutional order and the stabilization of Guinea-Bissau;

3. Affirms that UNIOGBIS and the Special Representative will continue to lead international efforts in the following priority areas:

(a) Providing support to the Government of Guinea-Bissau in strengthening democratic institutions and enhancing the capacity of state organs to function effectively and constitutionally;

(b) Providing strategic and technical advice and support for the establishment of effective and efficient law enforcement and criminal justice and penitentiary systems, capable of maintaining public security and combating impunity, while respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms;

(c) Assisting national authorities in the promotion and protection of human rights as well as undertake human rights monitoring and reporting activities;

(d) Providing strategic and technical advice and support to the Government of Guinea-Bissau to combat drug trafficking and transnational organized crime, in close cooperation with UNODC;

(e) Providing support to the Government of Guinea-Bissau to incorporate a gender perspective into peacebuilding, in line with Security Council resolutions 1325 (2000), 1820 (2008) and 2242 (2015); as well as implementation of the National Action Plan on Gender in order to ensure the involvement, representation and participation of women at all levels through inter alia the provision of gender advisers;

4. Endorses the Conakry Agreement of 14 October 2016, based on the road map, as primary framework for a peaceful resolution of the political crisis, as it offers a historic opportunity for national authorities and political leaders, as well as civil society, to jointly ensure political stability and build sustainable peace, welcomes and supports the intention of ECOWAS to urgently dispatch a high-level mission to Guinea-Bissau, as part of the follow-up steps for the implementation of the Conakry Agreement, in order to identify and address the obstacles impeding the implementation of the Agreement, with the view to promoting a durable solution to the crisis in that country;

5. Urges all political actors to put the interest of the people of Guinea-Bissau above all other consideration and in this regard, calls upon Bissau-Guinean leaders, including the President, the Speaker of Parliament and heads of political parties to abide by their commitment to bring political stability to Guinea -Bissau in engaging in genuine dialogue and finding common ground for a swift resolution of the political crisis;

6. Calls upon the Bissau-Guinean stakeholders to strictly respect and comply with the Conakry Agreement and the ECOWAS road map in addressing their differences and the challenges facing their country, and further calls upon the
