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S/RES/2343 (2017)

Bissau-Guinean stakeholders to refrain from actions and statements that could escalate tensions and incite violence;

7. Emphasizes the importance of passing key reforms, as outlined in the Conakry Agreement aimed at creating a conducive environment for the holding of legislative and presidential elections in 2018 and 2019, reform of the electoral code and promulgation of a new law on political parties and requests UNIOGBIS to work closely with national authorities, as well as the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in support of the timely conduct of these elections, and to strengthen democracy and good governance;

8. Calls upon the authorities of Guinea-Bissau and all stakeholders, including the military, political parties, and civil society to work together to consolidate progress made so far, and to address the root causes of instability with particular attention to political-military dynamics, ineffective state institutions and rule of law, impunity and human rights violations and abuses, poverty and lack of access to basic services;

9. Underscores the need for inclusive dialogue to consolidate peace and stability in Guinea-Bissau and calls upon the national authorities to expedite the review of Guinea-Bissau’s Constitution;

10. Call on the security and defence services to continue to submit themselves fully to civilian control;

11. Commends the important efforts of ECOWAS and encourages ECOWAS to continue extending its political support to the authorities and political leaders of Guinea-Bissau through the use of good offices and mediation;

12. Encourages ECOWAS and CPLP to take the necessary steps towards organizing a meeting of the International Contact Group on Guinea-Bissau, in consultation with the United Nations, EU, and all stakeholders;

13. Takes note of the evolving human rights situation in the country and urges the authorities of Guinea-Bissau to take all necessary measures to protect human rights, put an end to impunity, initiate investigations to identify the perpetrators of human rights violations and abuses, including those against women and children, and bring them to justice and take action to protect witne sses in order to ensure due process;

14. Welcomes the joint efforts by international partners, in particular the United Nations, African Union, ECOWAS, EU and CPLP, to enhance cooperation in support of the Government in Guinea-Bissau and encourages them to continue to work together towards the country's stabilization in accordance with the priority structural reforms established by the government, and in this regard, recognizes the role of the Peacebuilding Commission in enhancing these efforts with a view to supporting the long-term peacebuilding priorities of Guinea-Bissau;

15. Recognizes the ongoing implementation of some defence and security sector reforms and encourages the continuation of further efforts as a crucial element for long-term stability in Guinea-Bissau and further encourages coordinated action by all relevant subregional, regional and international partners of Guinea-Bissau in this field in order to obtain expeditious and positive results;
