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Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités

5. (a) The amount determined under the preceding paragraph shall be added to the amount of the valuation determined under paragraphs 2 and 3.

(b) All amounts determined by the experts, under this agreement, shall be assessed in United States dollars.

6. The experts shall hold their first meeting in Mexico City as soon as possible, but in any event within six months following the date of the appointment last made by either Government. The later meetings and other activities of the experts shall take place, within the time-limits laid down in this Agreement, on such dates and in such places in Mexican territory as the experts themselves determine.

7. Each of the Governments shall designate such assistants as the respective experts may require for the better accomplishment of their task.

8. The expenses of salaries, maintenance, transportation and other incidental expenses of each expert and his assistants, shall be met by the Government which has appointed them. The joint expenses incurred during the proceedings of the experts shall be shared equally between the two Governments.

9. The experts shall at all times closely collaborate and cooperate in their valuation proceedings. They may obtain directly such data and evidence as they may consider pertinent to forming their opinion, or receive them from interested persons and institutions and from the Governments of Mexico and of the Netherlands.

10. The experts shall have free access to all records in the possession of the Government of Mexico as well as to oil fields, lands, installations, offices, buildings and any other properties whatsoever involved directly or indirectly in the valuation. Netherland's expert shall, at the request of the Mexican expert, request the interested persons and institutions to furnish any pertinent evidence relevant to evidence already furnished by them. Any refusal on their part to comply with these requests shall bring into application the relevant provision of paragraph 13.

11. As soon as one expert obtains or learns of any pertinent data, reports or evidence, he will inform the other. Either expert may request from the other the furnishing of any data, reports or evidence which for any reason is available only to the other.

12. Within a period of three months from the date of their first meeting, the experts shall obtain and receive all data, reports and evidence; nevertheless, a further period of one month shall be allowed for the presentation, by either expert, of additional data, reports and evidence completing, clarifying or rectifying the material obtained or received in the said period of three months.

Nº 22