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United Nations — Treaty Series

13. The experts shall examine and appraise all proofs obtained directly by, or that may be submitted to them. The experts shall not take into account any specific proofs rendered "ex parte" when the person or institution furnishing them refuses to furnish pertinent complementary evidence requested by the Netherlands expert, in accordance with the terms of paragraph 10 above.

14. The experts shall complete their work within one year from the date of this note. If they are in agreement regarding the amount of the valuation, they shall render a joint report to the two Governments.

15. Both Governments agree to accept as final the joint report of the experts.

16. If, within the period indicated in paragraph 14, the experts are unable to reach agreement as to the whole or part of the matters submitted to them, each one shall, within an additional period of one month, submit, to his Government a separate report on any matters in respect of which agreement has not been reached.

17. Within a month of the receipt of the report or reports of the experts, the two Governments shall initiate diplomatic negotiations with a view to fix, in the case of agreement between the experts to which paragraph 15 refers, the sum to be paid, on the basis of their joint report, to those Netherlands subjects who, by such methods as the two Governments may determine, prove their participation as shareholders, at the time of publication of this note, in the properties referred to in paragraph one thereof. The same shall be applied in the case of disagreement between the experts to which paragraph 16 refers, on the understanding that the negotiations shall also be directed to the settlement of any points of disagreement between the reports of the two experts.

18. The two Governments shall agree without delay upon the methods and time-limits for payment, through the Government of the United Kingdom, of the compensation and interest due to Netherlands subjects, on the understanding that this payment shall be made in United States currency. The said interest shall run until total payment of the compensation, which, however, shall be completed within a period not exceeding seven years as from the date on which the two Governments shall have reached an agreement regarding the compensatory procedure to be followed.

19. Nothing contained in this note shall be regarded as a precedent, or be invoked by either of the two Governments in the settlement between them of any future difficulty, conflict, controversy or arbitration. The present provisions shall be considered as singular and exceptional, appropriate solely to this case, and motivated by the character of the problem itself.

No. 22