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Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités

20. In the event of either Government considering that, owing to facts arising out of the war, it will be impossible for them to fulfil, within the timelimits set out in any paragraph of the Agreement, one or any of their obligations stated in that paragraph, they shall be at liberty to request from the other Government that any of the said time-limits should be extended for a reasonable period. The other Government shall consider any such request sympathetically. If the two Governments agree upon the extension of one or any time-limit, the remaining provisions of this note and the validity of the present Agreement shall not be affected thereby.

21. If, at the expiration of three months from the date of this agreement, a joint report has not been made by the experts appointed in accordance with the terms of the note of to-day, exchanged between the Government of the Netherlands and the Government of Mexico providing for the valuation of certain claims, this agreement shall be revoked and the rights and liabilities of the respective Governments shall be the same as if this agreement had not been made.

If the Government of Mexico are prepared to accept the foregoing proposals, I have the honour to propose that this note and Your Excellency's reply thereto shall constitute formal Agreement between the two Governments, which shall take effect immediately.


His Excellency
Dr. Francisco Castillo Nájera,
Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Mexico, D. F.


Translation — Traduction

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
United States of Mexico

Mexico, 7 February 1946

Your Excellency,

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your esteemed note of to-day's which—translated into Spanish—I transcribe as follows:

(See note No. I)

Nº 22