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The friar was a short, stocky man, with a rough, ruddy face and a pair of fishy blue eyes. He was attired in the regular garb of the order, but his clothes were of a much finer cloth than those worn by the fellow caught in the old church at Magalang.

On seeing himself thus suddenly confronted by the young captain, he started back, and his face changed color. He had heard of Ben before, and knew he was the party who had assisted Inez Garabella and helped to make Barnabas Moval a prisoner.

"Ah—you—" he stammered in Spanish.

"You are Friar Ponprè, I believe," said Ben, in English.

"Yees," was the uncomfortable answer.

"I wish to talk to you, sir. "Will you kindly step out here?"

"What ees eet dat you wanta of me?" said the friar, as he came out on the veranda.

"You come from a town called Biloguana, I believe."

The friar nodded.