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"You were well acquainted with a rich man named Garabella."

Again the friar nodded.

"You plotted with a man named Moval to have this Garabella kidnapped and sent to Borneo."

"No! no! dat ees nota so, capitan. Moval plot—I do noddings!"

"But Inez Garabella says you were in the plot."

"She ees—a—mistaken."

"And Moval has admitted that he had dealings with you," went on the young captain.

The shot told, and the face of the friar grew dark and full of passion.

"Ha! he has told somet'ings, eh? He ees a snake in de grass, Moval! Bah! I was a fool—" He broke off short. "I know noddings, capitan." And he crossed himself.

"You do know something, Alfredo Ponprè; you know everything. You have that will—"

"No! no!" And now the friar made a sudden clutch for his breast, which movement did not escape Ben or the major. "Dare ees some mistake—"

"Make him a prisoner, captain," broke in Major Morris. "I'm dead sure we have the right man, and sure he has that will in his breast pocket."