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them there for safe keeping. This man followed me from Biloguana to Malolos and from there to Antipolo. To-night I thought to escape to Manila, but he came after me, and I ran in here to hide."

Ben turned to Barnabas Moval. "You wear the uniform of a soldier. Why are you not with the army? Are you a spy?"

"No, no, capitan, I am no spy!" answered the man, in sudden fear. "'Tis true I followed this woman, for she has that which is mine. I am an honest soldier, attached to the command under General Adoz."

"What, that guerilla!" cried Ben, for he had heard of the terrible General Adoz many times. The man mentioned had operated around Malolos ever since the opening of hostilities, but was considered more of a robber chief than an insurgent.

"He is not honest!" cried the woman. "He, too, is a guerilla and fights only for the sake of looting. At Malolos the houses of two Chinamen were sacked by him and three others, and another house was sacked at San Isidro, just after the American troops went away."

"In that case he is a man worth capturing," said Ben, sternly. "Men, make him your prisoner."