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At this order Barnabas Moval began to rave wildly, saying the woman was a traitor and worse, and that the foolish Americano capitan would soon learn how he had been fooled. But Ben cut him short by stating that the woman would also be required to go along. Then Moval was disarmed by Casey and Stummer, who tied his hands behind him; and the party left the monastery almost as quickly as they had entered it.

"What will you do with me?" questioned Inez Garabella, as she walked beside Ben. "Surely you will not consider me a prisoner of war?"

"That matter will have to be considered later," returned the young captain, gravely. "I shall see you safe to camp and then to Manila, and there my superiors will take matters in charge. Personally I believe your story, and if it is believed at headquarters, you will soon be released."

At these kind words the eyes of the woman softened. "You are kind, just as I thought when I first saw you, capitan. May I ask your name?"

"I am Captain Benjamin Russell."

"I shall not forget you easily, Captain Russell. Had you not come up when you did, that villain would have taken my life." And she shuddered.