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(Ms. Rasi, Finland)

At this early-morning hour, I do not intend to take much of the Council's time: The dangerous situation between Iraq and Kuwait does not require lengthy statements.

We learned with shock and dismay about the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. This act of aggression is a gross violation of the United Nations Charter. Finland has always condemned the use of force or the threat of its use in relations between States and we continue to do so. In conformity with this policy, Finland has agreed to co-sponsor the draft resolution before the Security Council. We urge Iraq to withdraw its forces from the territory it has occupied. We urge the parties to settle their dispute in a peaceful manner.

The President: I thank the representative of Finland for her kind words addressed to me.

Mr. Lozinsky (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (interpretation from Russian): Mr. President, allow me first of all to congratulate you upon your shouldering the responsibilities of President of the Security Council at this difficult hour and to wish you success in your responsible work.

The Soviet delegation would also like to express its gratitude to the Permanent Representative of Malaysia for having successfully discharged the duties of President of the Security Council last month.

The Soviet delegation expresses its profound concern and alarm over the reports of the invasion by Iraqi armed forces into Kuwait. On several occasions recently the Soviet Union has spoken out in favour of a peaceful solution of all of the problems that have arisen between those two States. We look forward to positive results from the negotiations and mediation efforts undertaken by the Arab States of the region. We are even more concerned by reports to the effect that battles are still caging in Kuwait and that blood is being shed.