Page:United Nations Security Council Meeting Record 2932.pdf/19

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(Mr. Lozinsky, USSR)

The Soviet delegation believes that the Security Council must act immediately to eliminate this violation of international peace and security in a region where so many urgent conflicts still await solution.

We support the draft resolution submitted for the Security Council's consideration. We expect an immediate cessation of the armed invasion, the withdrawal of Iraqi troops and a renewal of negotiations between the countries, with the assistance of regional organizations.

The President: I thank the representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for the words he addressed to me.

Mr. Li Daoyu (interpretation from Chinese): First of all, Sir, allow me to congratulate you upon your assumption of the presidency of the Security Council for this month. We believe that under your talented guidance the Security Council will register new achievements.

At the same time, I should like to express our thanks to the Permanent Representative of Malaysia for his successful guidance of the Council's work last month.

China has consistently held that disputes between States should be settled peacefully, not by force. My country enjoys friendly relations with both Iraq and Kuwait; we hope that they will live together in peace.

We regret the incident that took place in the early morning hours of 2 August, when Iraqi troops crossed the border and attacked Kuwait. Hostilities must cease immediately. Iraqi troops should be withdrawn to where they were before the event took place. We appeal to both countries to solve their differences peacefully: through negotiation.

China endorses the draft resolution before us.