Page:United Nations Security Council Meeting Record 2933.pdf/39

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(Mr. Peñalosa, Colombia)

Success in the implementation of today's measures will affect the future of many States and millions of human beings around the world, all the more so because, with the changes in international politics, there are increasing possibilities of regional confrontation. It is in a positive spirit that we view the negative consequences which may result for the world from the imposition of these sanctions, which are bound to have an impact upon vast areas of international economic life and development, for they simply have to be adopted for the sake of peace and future generations.

Mr. Al-Ashtal (Yemen) (interpretation from Arabic): I should like to put before the Council some comments concerning the draft resolution before us. Since the outbreak of the present conflict between Iraq and Kuwait, the Republic of Yemen has not ceased to exert continuous efforts to contain the conflict between these two brotherly countries. We have tried to discuss and deal with all issues in a spirit of understanding and within the framework of the one Arab family in a way that would consolidate Arab solidarity, keep the region free from foreign intervention, guarantee the consolidation of national Arab security, and spare it from danger.

In this respect, brother Ali Abdulla Salah, President of the Republic of Yemen, has undertaken during the last three days visits to Iraq, Egypt and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He met with the leaders of these three countries to discuss the prevailing conflict. He also received brother Taha Yassin Ramadhan, member of the Revolutionary Command Council and the Deputy Premier of Iraq, to whom he delivered a letter to his brother, President Saddam Hussein. President Salah confirmed the need for the speedy withdrawal of Iraqi forces from the territory of brotherly Kuwait.