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(Mr. Al-Ashtal, Yemen)

I should like to reiterate here that the Yemeni leadership will continue to exert efforts to contain this conflict between the two brotherly countries, despite the many difficulties besieging such efforts, because we believe that the brotherly Arab means of containing the conflict is the valid and effective way of dealing with it and bringing it to a desirable end. The Republic of Yemen believes that, despite the fact that the Arab Summit Conference, which was scheduled to meet in Jeddah, was not convened, Arab efforts to contain the conflict between the two brotherly countries have not stopped. The doors are not closed yet on such efforts. This is clearly mentioned in paragraph 4 of the resolution of the Council of the Arab League adopted at its meeting in Cairo when the matter was referred to Their Majesties and other Heads of State of Arab countries to discuss the means of reaching a negotiated permanent settlement between the two parties concerned. Contacts among Arab leaders are still under way up to this very moment.

The delegation of the Republic of Yemen confirms our keen interest in maintaining peace and stability in the area of the Gulf and the Arab peninsula. Hence, we totally reject any foreign intervention in the internal affairs of the region. We note that while we are discussing the topic there are military movements. We hope that the draft resolution to be adopted will not be a pretext for intervention in the area.

In the normal course, this conflict will eventually come to an end, and we hope that the confrontation in the area will also. Then, when the circumstances are propitious for negotiation and a peaceful settlement, the Republic of Yemen will be more than ready to follow up and continue its efforts. Therefore, we will not adopt any attitude at this meeting that would negatively affect the efforts undertaken by the Republic of Yemen to find a solution to the conflict.