Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/27

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Pensions to Invalids.An act concerning invalids.(Obsolete.)June 7, 1794.
Patents for Useful Inventions.An act supplementary to the act entitled “An act to promote the progress of the useful arts.”(Obsolete.)June 7, 1794.
Light-houses, Beacons, Buoys.An act to continue in force for a limited time the act supplementary to the act for the establishment and support of light-houses, beacons, buoys, and public piers.(Obsolete.)June 7, 1794.
Consent of Congress to Act of Maryland for the Appointment of a Health Officer.An act declaring the consent of Congress to an act of the State of Maryland passed the twenty-eighth of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three, for the appointment of a health officer.June 9, 1794.
Virginia Military Land-Warrants for Land north-west of the River Ohio.An act to amend the act entitled “An act to enable the officers and soldiers of the Virginia line on continental establishment, to obtain titles to certain lands lying north-west of the river Ohio, between the Little Miami and Sciota.”June 9, 1794.
Appropriations for the Support of Government.An act making appropriations for certain purposes therein expressed.(Obsolete.)June 9, 1794.
Courts of the United States.An act making certain alterations in the act for establishing the Judicial Courts, and altering the time and place of holding certain Courts.(Obsolete.)June 9, 1794.
Duties on Property sold at Auction.An act laying duties on property sold at Auction.(Repealed.)June 9, 1794.

STATUTE Ⅱ.—1794, 1795.

Militia for the Protection of the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania.An act to authorize the President to call out and station a corps of militia in the four western counties of Pennsylvania for a limited time.(Obsolete.)Nov. 29, 1794.
Privilege of Franking extended to the Delegate from the Western Territory.An act extending the privilege of franking to James White, the delegate from the Territory of the United States south of the river Ohio; and making provision for his compensation.(0bsolete.)Dec. 3, 1794.
Courts of the United States.An act to amend and explain the twenty-second section of the “Act establishing the Judicial Courts of the United States.”Dec. 12, 1794.
Loan of Two Millions of Dollars.An act authorizing a loan of two millions of dollars.(Obsolete.)Dec. 18, 1794.
Appropriations for the Expenses of the Military Establishment and of the Militia.An act making appropriations for the support of the military establishment for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, and for the expenses of the militia lately called into the service of the United States.(Obsolete.)Dec. 31, 1794.
Appropriations for the Support of Government.An act making appropriations for the support of government for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five.(Obsolete.)Jan. 2, 1795.
Pay of the Militia of the United States when in actual Service.An act to regulate the pay of the non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates of the militia of the United States, when called into actual service, and for other purposes.(Obsolete.)Jan. 2, 1795.
Transfer of Stock standing to the Credit of certain States.An act authorizing the transfer of the stock standing to the credit of certain States.(Obsolete.)Jan. 2, 1795.
Debt of the United States.An act providing for the payment of certain instalments of foreign debts; and of the third instalment due on a loan made of the Bank of the United States.(Obsolete.)Jan. 8, 1795.
District Court of Pennsylvania, certain Suits and Process revived.An act for reviving certain suits and process which have been discontinued in the District Court of Pennsylvania.(Obsolete.)Jan. 28, 1795.
Domestic Debt of the United States.An act further extending the time for receiving on loan the domestic debt of the United States.(Obsolete.)Jan. 28, 1795.
Remission of Tonnage Duties on certain French Vessels.An act for the remission of the tonnage duties on certain French vessels.(Obsolete.)Jan. 28, 1795.
Duties on Merchandise imported into the United States.An act supplementary to the several acts imposing duties on goods, wares, and merchandises imported into the United States.(Obsolete.)Jan. 29, 1795.