Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/1039

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CONSULAR CONVENTION WVITH FRANCE. FEB• 23, 1853. 995 Anrrenn V. Arvrronn V. The respective consuls general, Les consuls generaux et consuls Vi¤¤—¤<¤¤¤¤l¤ and consuls, shall be free to esta- respectifs seront libres d’etablir, aud “g°“l“‘ blish, in such parts of their districts clans tels lieux de leur arrondisseas they may see fit, vice-consuls, or ment on ils le jugeront utile, des consular agents, who may be taken vice-consuls ou agents consulaires, indiscriminately from among Ame- qui pourront étre ehoisis indistinetericans of the United States, French- ment parmi les Francais, les Amemen, or citizens of other countries. ricains des Etats Unis ou les cito- These agents, whose nomination, it yens des autres pays. Ces agents, is understood, shall be submitted to dont la nomination sera soumise, the approval of the respective go- bien entendu, at Yapprobation des vernments, shall be provided with a gouvernements respectifs, seront certificate given to them by the con- munis d’un brevét delivre par le sul by whom they are named, and consul, qui les aura institues et sous under whose orders they are to act. les ordres du quel ils agiront. Ancrrenn VI. ARTICLE VI. The consuls general, consuls, Les consuls generaux, consuls, To receive vice-consuls, or consular agents, vice-consuls ou agents consulaires, P’°t““”¤&°· shall have the right of taking at auront le droit `de reeeivoir dans their offices or bureaux, at the domi- leurs chaneelleries ou bureaux, au eil of the parties concerned, or on domicile des parties ou abord des board ship, the declarations of cap- batimens, les declarations des capitains, crews, passengers, merchants, taines, equipages, passagers, negoor citizens of their country, and of ciants ou citoyens de leur pays, et executing there, all requisite papers. tous les actes qu’ils voudront y passer. The respective consuls general, Les consuls generaux, consuls, consuls, vice-consuls, or consular vice-consuls ou agents consulaires agents, shall have the right, also, to respectifs auront, en outre, le droit receive at their offices, or bureaux, de recevoir eonformement aux; lois conformably to the laws and regu- et reglemens de leur pays, dans lations of their country, all acts of leurs chaneelleries ou bureaux tous agreement executed between the actes conventionnels passes entre citizens of their own country and des citoyens de leur pays et des [thelcitizens or inhabitants of the citoyens on habitants du pays, ou country in which they reside, and ils resident, et meme tous actes de even all such acts between the lat- ces derniers pourvu que ces actes ter, provided that these acts relate aient rapport a des biens situes, ou to property situated, or to business a des affaires a traiter sur le territo be transacted, in the territory of toire de la nation,a la quelle apparthe nation to which the consul or tiendra le consul ou Yagent devant the agent before whom they are lequel ils seront passes. executed may belong. Copies of such papers, duly au- ALes expeditions des dits aetes t_C<;péei)au21);pT; thenticated by the consuls general, dument légalisees par les consuls t:)°gG“l_cc8l’md” consuls, vice-consuls, or consular genéraux, consuls, vice-consuls ou Bvgdwca, agents, and sealed with the official agents consulaires et munies du seal of their consulate or consular caehet ofiieiel de leur consulat ou agency, shall be admitted in courts agence consulaire,feront foi en jusof justice throughout the United tice dans tons les tribunaux de States and France, in like manner France et des Etats Unis, comme as the originals. le feraicnt les originaux eux memes.