Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/258

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238 THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 104. 1853. For twenty-second of twenty-seven instalments, for` six agrieulturists, purchase of oxen, ploughs, and other implements, stipulated in the fifth V<>r vii p- 37r article of the treaty of the fifteenth of September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, two thousand fiveliundred dollars; For twenty-second of twenty-seven instalments for pay of two physi- Vo1.vai.p.371. cians, stipulated in the treaty of the fifteenth of September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, four hundred dollars; For interest on one million one hundred thousand dollars, at five per VG]- P- 545- centum, stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty of the first of N0- vember, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, fifty-Eve thousand dollars; For interest on eighty-five thousand dollars at five per centum, stipula- V¤I· ix- p- 878- ted in the fourth article of the treaty of the thirteenth of October, eighteen hundred and forty-six, four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. 'TGXM l¤¢lj¤·¤¤· Texas Indi¢ms.—·— For compensation to three special Agents and {our Ag°mS’ mm: Interpreters for the Indian tribes of Texas, and for the purchase of prepretcrs, and pre _ _ sem. sents, thirty thousand dollars, of which the sum of fifteen thousand dollars may be used in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior may deem necessary for subsistence and preserving peace with said Indians. Misceuaneous. MsceZlane0us.—For payment of the third of ten instalments in pro- Lg;;;? °fF°1"’ visions, merchandise, etc., and the transportation of the same to certain ` tribes of Indians, per seventh article of the treaty of Fort Laramie, of _ seventeenth of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, P‘°°"*s°‘ sixty thousand dollars: Provided, That the same shall not be paid until the said tribes of Indians shall have assented to the amendments of the Senate of the United States to the above recited treaty; Statistics. For continuing the collection and for publishing the statistics and other 1847, <>h· 66- information, authorized by the act of third March, eighteen hundred and ig?} gk forty-seven, and subsequent acts, seventeen thousand six hundred and 1852: oh. 66. twenty dollars and fifty cents; J¤n¤P.G¤i¤es For the payment of the accounts of Governor John P. Gaines and ggd C' M‘W”*u" Courtney M. Walker, for expenses incurred by them in quelling the difficulties with the Rogue River Indians of Oregon, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-one, four thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine dollars; Medals. To enable the Department to procure the medals of the next President of the United States for presentation to Chiefs and Headmen of the Indian tribes, twenty-five hundred dollars; Milita,r·y;·e5c;·.. That the President of the United States, if upon examination he shall

$¢£;*SU¥;hCgl$ approve of the plan hereinafter provided for the protection of the

New mM6g_ {01. Indians, be and he is hereby authorized to make five military reserva- Indians authoriz- tions from the public domain in the State of California or the Territories °d· of Utah and New Mexico bordering on said State, for Indian purposes: P’°Vl*°S· Provided, That such reservations shall not contain more than twenty-five thousand acres in each:. And provided farther, That said reservation shall not be made upon any lands inhabited by citizens of California, and the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to defray the expense of subsisting the Indians in California and removing them to said reservations for protection: Provided, further, if the foregoing 1855, ch.204. plan shall be adopted by the President, the three Indian agencies in California shall be thereupon abolished. withN;§gE$;°¤* Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United wm of Missouri, States be, and he hereby is, authorized, immediately after the passage of and Iowa. this act, to enter into negotiation with the Indian tribes west of the States of Missouri and Iowa for the purpose of securing the assent of said tribes to the settlement of the citizens of the United States upon the lands claimed by said Indians, and for the purpose of extinguishing the title of said Indian tribes in whole or in part to said lands; and that, for the