Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/949

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CONSULAR. CONVENTION WITH NEW GRANADA. l\L4.r 4, 1850. 905 12. They may give such docu- 12. Dar los documentos necesa- ·p,,g,,.,,d,,c“_ ments as may be necessary for the rios para la comunicacion entre los ments. intercourse between the two coun- dos paises i visar los que se hubietries, and countersign those which ren dado por las Autoridades. Dar may have been given by the author- patentes de sanidad en casos neceities. They may also give bills of sarios a los buques que se dirijan health, if necessary, to vessels sail- del puerto en que el Consul resida ing from the port where the consul a los puertos de la nacion si quo el resides to the ports of the nation to Consul pertenezca; certidcar sus which he' belongs; they may also facturas, el rol de la tripulacion, i certify invoices, muster·rolls, and demas documentos necesarios para other papers necessary for the com- su comercio i navegacion. merce and navigation of vessels. · 13. They may appoint a chan- 13. Nombrar un Canciller o Se- To appoint ,, cellor or secretary whensoever the cretario cuando no lo tenga el consu- chancellor or consulate has none and one is lado i sea necesario para autorizar °“"°“"Y‘ required for authenticating docu- sus actos. ments. 14. They may appoint commer- 14. Nombrar ajentes de comercio To appoint cial agents to employ all the means para prestar todos los buenos oiicios commercial in their power, in behalf of indivi- que esteu a su alcance a los indivi- “g°““‘ duals of the nation in whose service duos de la nacion a quien sirva, i the consul is, and for executing the para desempeiiar las comisiones que commissions which the consul may el Consul tenga a bien contiarles, think proper to entrust to them, out fuera del lugar de su residencia, of the place of his residence; pro- bien entendido que estos ajentes no vided, however, that such agents gozarén de las prerogatives que se are not to enjoy the prerogatives conceden a los Consoles, sino solo conceded to consuls, but only those de las peculiares at los agentes cowhich are peculiar to commercial merciales. agents. ' Anrronr IV. Anuoor.0 IV. The consuls of one of the con- Los Consules de una de las Re- _Gonsuls or tracting republics residing in anoth- publicas contratantes residentes en f£‘°;:l‘;)‘;;‘*’Y . . y or country may employ their good otra nacion podran hacer uso de sus thai; gggd Umm ofiices in favor of individuals of the buenos oficios en favor de los indi- fvr flw ¤¤h¤¤‘ i¤ other republic which has no consul viduos de la otra Republica que no gg? °°““‘ in that country. tuviéren Consules en el mismo lugar. Anrroma V. ARTICULO V. The contracting republics recog- Las Republicas Contratantes no Consnls ncttc nizeno diplomatic character in con- reconocen en los Consules caracterL‘;;fax;lLl§‘:;‘é‘°'° suls, for which reason they will not diplomatico, i por lo mismo no go- 5mm,,,,;;;,,,, but enjoy in either country the immuni- zaran en ellas las inmunidades con-pfg to bp? <;¤r‘- ties granted to public agents accre- cedidas a los ajentes publicos acredi- '“" Im °g“‘ dited in that character; but, in order tados con aquel caracter; pero para that the said consuls may exercise que dichos Consules puedan ejercér their proper functions without dif- espeditamente las funcione que les ficulty or delay, they shall enjoy the corresponden, gozaran las siguientes following prerogatives: prerogatives: 1. The archives and papers of 1. Los archivosi papéles de los the consulate shall be inviolable, cousulados seran inviolables, i no and cannot be seized by any func- podran ser ocupados por ningun funtionary of the country in which they cionario del pais en que se hallan. ma be. Eg Consuls, in all that exclusively 2. Los Consules, en todo lo que von. x. '1‘m·:A·r.-114