Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 5.djvu/704

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 4178

33 USC 534, 574 note.

PUBLIC LAW 99-662—NOV. 17, 1986

the Shiawassee Flats unit as the Secretary determines necessary for flood control purposes. SEC. 846. BRUNSWICK HARBOR, GEORGIA. The navigation project for Brunswick Harbor, Georgia, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of 1950, is modified to incorporate the Georgia Ports Authority's 30-foot-deep by 300-foot-wide by 8,000-footiong channel in the South Brunswick River serving Colonel's Island terminal facilities. SEC. 847. HANSEN DAM, LOS ANGELES AND SAN GABRIEL RIVERS, CALIFORNIA.

Flood control. Contracts.

Appropriation authorization.

42 USC 1962d-5.

68 Stat. 1248.

(a) The Hansen Dam project authorized as part of the flood control project for the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers, California, by section 5 of the Flood Control Act approved June 22, 1936 (49 Stat. 1589), is modified to authorize the Secretary to contract for the removal and sale of dredged material from the flood control basin for Hansen Dam, Los Angeles County, California, for the purposes of facilitating flood control, recreation, and water conservation. All funds received by the Secretary from the removal and sale of such dredged material shall be deposited in the General Fund of the Treasury. Oa) There is authorized to be appropriated for fiscal years beginning after September 30, 1986, an amount not to exceed the amount of funds received by the Secretary from the removal and sale of dredged material under subsection (a). Amounts appropriated under this subsection shall be available to the Secretary— (1) to construct, operate, and maintain recreational facilities at the Hansen Dam project; and (2) to the extent consistent with other authorized project purposes, to facilitate water conservation and ground water recharge measures at the Hansen Dam project in coordination with the city of Los Angeles, California, and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District; at full Federal expense. SEC. 848. DUNKIRK HARBOR, NEW YORK. Subject to section 903(a) of this Act, the project for navigation, Dunkirk Harbor, New York, authorized by section 201 of the Flood Control Act of 1965 and approved by resolution of the Committee on Public Works of the House of Representatives, dated December 15, 1970, and resolution of the Committee on Public Works of the Senate, dated June 22, 1971, is modified to authorize the Secretary to include dredging and maintenance of the eastern inner harbor of such project in accordance with such plans as the Secretary, in consultation with appropriate non-Federal interests, may develop, at a total cost of $4,600,000, with an estimated first Federal cost of $2,300,000 and an estimated first non-Federal cost of $2,300,000. SEC. 849. KALIHI CHANNEL, HONOLULU HARBOR, HAWAII. (a) The project for navigation for Honolulu Harbor, Hawaii, authorized by section 101 of the River and Harbor Act of 1954, is modified to authorize and direct the Secretary to maintain a 23-foot project depth in the Kalihi Channel portion of such project. (b) The consent of Congress is given to the State of Hawaii to construct, operate, and maintain a fixed-span bridge in and over the water of the Kalihi Channel, Honolulu Harbor, Hawaii.