Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 2.djvu/526

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 1530

Rural areas.



PUBLIC LAW 100-418—AUG. 23, 1988

"(B) the capability to coordinate the delivery of services with other human services and economic development programs; and "(C) the geographic boundaries of labor market areas within the State. "(4) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), the Governor— "(A) shall designate as a substate area any single service delivery area that has a population of 200,000 or more; "(B) shall designate as a substate area any two or more contiguous service delivery areas— "(i) that in the aggregate have a population of 200,000 or more; and "(ii) that request such designation; and "(C) shall designate as a substate area any concentrated employment program grantee for a rural area described in section 101(a)(4)(A)(iii) of this Act. "(5) The Governor may deny a request for designation under paragraph (4)(B) if the Governor determines that such designation would not be consistent with the effective delivery of services to eligible dislocated workers in various labor market areas (including urban and rural areas) within the State, or would not otherwise be appropriate to carry out the purposes of this title. '(6) The designations made under this section may not be revised more than once each two years, in accordance with the requirements of this section. "(b) DESIGNATION OF SUBSTATE GRANTEES.—A substate grantee shall be designated, on a biennial basis, for each substate area. Such substate grantee shall be designated in accordance with an agreement among the Governor, the local elected official or officials of such area, and the private industry council or councils of such area. Whenever a substate area is represented by more than one such official or council, the respective officials and councils shall each designate representatives, in accordance with procedures established by the Governor (after consultation with the State job training coordinating council), to negotiate such agreement. In the event agreement cannot be reached on the selection of a substate grantee, the Governor shall select the substate grantee. "(c) ELIGIBILITY.—Entities eligible for designation as substate grantees include— "(1) private industry councils in the substate area; "(2) service delivery area grant recipients or administrative entities; "(3) private nonprofit organizations; "(4) units of general local government in the substate area, or agencies thereof; "(5) local offices of State agencies; and "(6) other public sigencies, such as community colleges and area vocational schools. "(d) FUNCTIONS OF SUBSTATE GRANTEES.—The substate grantee shall be responsible for providing, within such substate area, services described in section 314(c), (d), and (e) pursuant to an agreement with the Governor and in accordance with the State plan Under section 311 and the substate plan under section 313. The substate grantee may provide such services directly or through contract, grant, or agreement with service providers. "(e) APPLICABILITY OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS TO SUBSTATE GRANTEES.—The requirements of parts C and D of title I of

this Act that apply to an administrative entity or a recipient of