Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 3.djvu/622

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988

102 STAT. 2574

PUBLIC LAW 100-516—OCT. 24, 1988


(a) EXTENSION.—The Secretary of Energy, acting through the Western Area Power Administration, is directed to offer an extension of the energy purchase provisions of article 9 of the contract numbered 2-07-70-PO287 and dated March 15, 1982, to the Shoshone Irrigation District, an irrigation district and municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Wyoming. Such extension, if accepted, shall take effect as of April 15, 1988, shall remain in force and effect for a period of five years thereafter, and shall be subject to all of the original conditions, terms, and rates specified in such contract. At the end of the five-year extension, purchases of electric energy under article 9 of such contract may be extended by mutual agreement between the Western Area Power Administration and the Shoshone Irrigation District for successive one-year intervals at rates for purchase which may not be less than the rates specified in article 9. (b) LIMITATION.—In no event shall sales of electric energy to the United States pursuant to subsection (a) be made after September 30, 1999. SEC. 19. COLORADO COASTAL PLAINS PROJECT, TEXAS, SHAWS BEND DAMSITE.

(a) FINDINGS.—The Congress finds that— (1) there have been five studies of the Shaws Bend site of the Colorado Coastal Plains project, authorized as part of the study for the Texas Basins project under the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to engage in feasibility investigations of certain water resource development proposals", approved September 7, 1966 (80 Stat, 707), and (2) there is no need for the construction of a dam at the Shaws Bend site. (b) PROHIBITION ON APPROPRIATIONS.—Notwithstanding the first section of such Act and effective after the date of enactment of this Act, no funds may be appropriated for the analysis and study of the Shaws Bend site of the Colorado Coastal Plains project, authorized as part of the study for the Texas Basin project. SEC. 20. FRANKLIN COUNTY, WASHINGTON ROADS STUDY.

Appropriation authorization. Reports.

(a) For the purposes of taking actions necessary to protect the county road system in irrigated portions of Franklin County, Wsishington, within the Federal Columbia Basin reclamation project and which are underlain or adjacent to lands underlain by the unique geological setting identified as the Ringold Formation, the Secretary of the Interior is directed to investigate road instability problems caused by high water tables and landslides, to design corrective actions, and to make recommendations for action. (b) Funds not to exceed $500,000 are authorized to be appropriated for the investigations directed in subsection (a) of this section, which shall be nonreimbursable, and the Secretary shall submit a report of his findings and recommendations for corrective action to the President and the Congress within three years after the date of enactment of this Act and availability of funds. SEC. 21. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM CONTRACTS.

To expedite completion of construction of the irrigation distribution systems of the Maricopa-Stanfield and Central Arizona Irriga-