Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 102 Part 3.djvu/621

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PUBLIC LAW 100-000—MMMM. DD, 1988


PUBLIC LAW 100-516—OCT. 24, 1988

102 STAT. 2573



(a) RENEGOTIATION OF CONTRACTS.—(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary of the Interior shall renegotiate the schedules of payment for the loans to the Redwood Valley County Water District which are numbered 14-06-200-8423A and 14-06200-8423A Amendatory. (2) Such renegotiated schedules of payment may not take effect until October 1, 1989. Q)) The obligation to repay amounts loaned to the Redwood Valley County Water District, California, pursuant to the original negotiated schedule of payment of a loan specified in subsection (a) is suspended until the renegotiated schedule of payment for that loan takes effect. Any obligation to repay amounts under any such loan which is due, but not paid as of the date of enactment of this Act, is suspended. The renegotiated schedules of payment referred to in subsection (a) shall take into account any obligation suspended by this subsection. (c) No interest may be charged on any payment under either of the loans specified in subsection (a) which is due but not paid before the renegotiated schedule of payment for such loan takes effect. SEC. 16. WATER PURCHASE BY LAKEVIEW WYOMING.


(a) OPTION TO PURCHASE WATER.—The Secretary of the Interior is

hereby authorized and directed to offer annually to the Lakeview Irrigation District, Wyoming, an option to purchase up to 15,000 acre-feet of storage in the Buffalo Bill Dam and Reservoir, Shoshone Project, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, Wyoming, of which 3,200 acre-feet shall be a firm water supply and the remainder shall be available as needed pending completion of the Polecat Bench Reclamation Project. (b) EXERCISE OF OPTION.—The Lakeview Irrigation District may exercise its purchase option only in those water years when there is insufficent yield for the District only after the primary flow rights of the Shoshone Project have been satisfied. Any water purchased by the district pursuant to this section shall be provided through exchange by the Bureau of Reclamation in return for the district's right to continue upstream withdrawals of Shoshone Project water. (c) WAIVER OF CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS.—The Secretary of the Contracts. Interior is authorized and directed to waive land classification and related study requirements in connection with any contract entered into pursuant to this section. (d) STATE LAW.—Any allocation or reallocation from existing uses of water stored in the Buffalo Bill Dam and Reservoir resulting from this section shall be pursuant to the laws of the State of Wyoming. SEC. 17. NAVY LAND, CALIFORNIA.

Section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for deferment of construction charges payable by Westlands Water District attributable to lands of the Naval Air Station: Lemoore, California, included in said district, and for other purposes", approved August 10, 1972 (86 Stat. 380), is amended by inserting: "Proceeds from the leases in excess of these needs and from lease parcels not within Westlands Water District may be utilized by the Secretary of the Navy to acquire easements in Kings County, California." after "are fully paid.".
