Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/369

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PUBLIC LAW 101-506—NOV. 5, 1990 104 STAT. 1349 SEC. 627. Funds provided in this Act may be used for one-year contracts which are to be performed in two fiscal years so long as the total amount for such contracts is obligated in the year for which the funds are appropriated. SEC. 628. Funds appropriated by this Act shall be applied only to the objects for which appropriations were made except as otherwise provided by law, as required by 31 U.S.C. 1301. SEC. 629. None of the funds in this Act shall be available to restrict the authority of the Commodity Credit Corporation to lease space for its own use or to lease space on behalf of other agencies of the Department of Agriculture when such space will be jointly occupied. SEC. 630. None of the funds provided in this Act may be expended to release information acquired from any handler under the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended: Provided, That this provision shall not prohibit the release of information to other Federal agencies for enforcement purposes: Provided further, That this provision shall not prohibit the release of aggregate statistical data used in formulating regulations pursuant to the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended: Provided further. That this provision shall not prohibit the release of information submitted by milk handlers. SEC. 631. Unless otherwise provided in this Act, none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available in this Act may be used by the Farmers Home Administration to employ or otherwise contract with private debt collection agencies to collect delinquent payments from Farmers Home Administration borrowers. SEC. 632. None of the funds in this Act, or otherwise made available by this Act, shall be used to sell loans made by the Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund. Further, Rural Development Insurance Fund loans offered for sale in fiscal year 1991 shall be first offered to the borrowers for prepayment. SEC. 633. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act shall be used to pay the salaries of personnel who carry out a targeted export assistance program under section 1124 of the Food Security Act of 1985 if the aggregate amount of funds and/or commodities under such program exceeds $175,000,000. SEC. 634. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act shall be used to pay the salaries of personnel who carry out an export enhancement program (estimated to be $900,000,000 in the President's fiscal year 1991 Budget Request (H. t)oc. 101-122)) if the aggregate amount of funds and/or commodities under such program exceeds $425,000,000. SEC. 635. None of the funds in this Act, or otherwise made available by this Act, shall be used to regulate the order or sequence of advances of funds to a borrower under any combination of approved telephone loans from the Rural Electrification Administration, the Rural Telephone Bank or the Federal Financing Bank. SEC. 636. The Secretary shall use the authority available under section 32 and the Charter of the Commodity Credit Corporation to sell surplus agricultural commodities in world trade at competitive prices, as authorized by law, to regain and retain the United States' fair share of world markets. In fiscal year 1991, section 32 funds shall be used to purchase sunflower and cottonseed oil, as authorized by law, and such purchases shall be used to facilitate additional Surplus agricultural commodities. Foreign trade.