Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 3.djvu/287

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PUBLIC LAW 101-510—NOV. 5, 1990 104 STAT. 1639 Defense with respect to the acquisition workforce in the Department of Defense. The Under Secretary shall ensure that the policies of the Secretary of Defense established in accordance with this chapter are implemented throughout the Department of Defense. "§ 1703. Director of Acquisition Education, Training, and Career Development "The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition shall appoint a Director of Acquisition Education, Training, and Career IDevelopment within the office of the Under Secretary to assist the Under Secretary in the performance of his duties under this chapter. "§ 1704. Service acquisition executives: authorities and responsibilities "Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of the military department concerned, the service acquisition executive for each military department shall carry out all powers, functions, and duties of the Secretary concerned with respect to the acquisition workforce within the military department concerned and shall ensure that the policies of the Secretary of Defense established in accordance with this chapter are implemented in that department. "§ 1705. Directors of Acquisition Career Management in the military departments "There shall be a Director of Acquisition Career Management for each military department within the office of the service acquisition executive to assist the executive in the performance of his duties under this chapter. The Secretary of the Navy, acting through the service acquisition executive, may appoint separate directors for the Navy and the Marine Corps. "§ 1706. Acquisition career program boards "(a) ESTABLISHMENT. —The Secretary of each military department, acting through the service acquisition executive, shall establish an acquisition career program board to advise the service acquisition executive in managing the accession, training, education, and career development of military and civilian personnel in the acquisition workforce and in selecting individuals for an Acquisition Corps under section 1731 of this title. "(b) COMPOSITION OF BOARD.— Each acquisition career program board shall include the Director of Acquisition Career Management (or his representative), the Assistant Secretary with responsibility for manpower (or his representative), and the military and civilian senior officials with responsibility for personnel development in the various acquisition career fields. The service acquisition executive (or his representative) shall be the head of the board. "(c) SUBORDINATE BOARDS. —The Secretary of a military department may establish a subordinate board structure in the department to which functions of the acquisition career program board may be delegated. "§ 1707. Personnel in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and in the Defense Agencies "(a) POLICIES.—The Secretary of Defense, acting through the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, shall establish and > implement, in such manner as the Secretary considers appropriate,