Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/290

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104 STAT. 4680 PUBLIC LAW 101-645—NOV. 29, 1990 jurisdiction's share of the Nation's need for housing assistance for the homeless. "SEC. 405. DISCRETIONARY ALLOCATION. Grant "(a) IN GENERAL. —In addition to grants otherwise authorized by programs. this title, the Secretary is authorized to make grants to eligible applicants to meet urgent needs of homeless persons that are not being met by available public and private sources in areas with an unusually high incidence of homelessness. For purposes of this section, the term 'eligible applicant' means a grantee, Indian tribe, Indian housing authority or private nonprofit organization, except that a grantee shall not be permitted to submit an application if the Secretary finds that the grantee is in noncompliance with sections 406 and 407. "(b) EuGiBLE ACTIVITIES.—Assistance provided under this section may be used for approved activities under subtitle B and for— "(1) the purchase, lease, rehabilitation, renovation, operation, or conversion of facilities to assist the homeless; "(2) the transitional provision of supportive services designed to meet special needs of homeless persons, including families with children, deinstitutionalized persons, persons with mental disabilities, other persons with disabilities, the elderly, and veterans; and "(3) the provision of supplemental assistance to projects assisted under sections 412 and 413 if such assistance is required to meet the special needs of homeless persons residing in such projects. "(c) APPLICATIONS.—Assistance under this section shall be allocated among approvable applications submitted by eligible applicants. Applications for assistance under this section shall be submitted by an applicant in such form and in accordance with such procedures as the Secretary shall establish. Such applications shall contain— "(1) a description of the proposed activities; "(2) a description of the size and characteristics of the homeless population that would be served by the proposed activities; "(3) a description of the public and private resources that are expected to be made available in connection with the proposed activities; "(4) assurances satisfactory to the Secretary that any property purchased, leased, rehabilitated, renovated, or converted with assistance under this section (except for property to be used as emergency shelter in accordance with section 412) shall be operated for not less than 10 years for the purpose specified in the application; "(5) evidence in a form acceptable to the Secretary that the proposed activities will meet urgent needs of homeless persons that are not being met by available public and private sources; "(6) if submitted by a private nonprofit organization, a certification from the public official responsible for submitting a housing strategy in accordance with section 105 of the Cranston- Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act that the application is consistent with the approved housing strategy; and "(7) such other information or certifications that the Secretary determines to be necessary to achieve the purposes of this section. "(d) SELECTION CRITERIA.—