Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 6.djvu/390

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104 STAT. 4780 PUBLIC LAW 101-646—NOV. 29, 1990 the list shall be updated annually by the Task Force members and transmitted by the Secretary to the Congress as part of the Reports. President's annual budget submission. Annual transmittals of the list to the Congress shall include a status report on each project and a statement from the Secretary of the Tresisury indicating the amounts available for expenditure to carry out this title. (4) LIST OF CONTENTS. — (A) AREA IDENTIFICATION; PROJECT DESCRIPTION. — The list of priority coastal wetlands restoration projects shall include, but not be limited to— (i) identification, by map or other means, of the coastal area to be covered by the coastal wetlands restoration project; and (ii) a detailed description of each proposed coastal wetlands restoration project including a justification for including such project on the list, the proposed activities to be carried out pursuant to each coastal wetlands restoration project, the benefits to be realized by such project, the identification of the lead Task Force member to undertake each proposed coastal wetlands restoration project and the responsibilities of each other participating Task Force member, an estimated timetable for the completion of each coastal wetlands restoration project, and the estimated cost of each project. (B) PRE-PLAN.— Prior to the date on which the plan required by subsection (b) of this section becomes effective, such list shall include only those coastal wetlands restoration projects that can be substantially completed during a five-year period commencing on the date the project is placed on the list. (C) Subsequent to the date on which the plan required by subsection (b) of this section becomes effective, such list shall include only those coastal wetlands restoration projects that have been identified in such plan. (5) FUNDING. — The Secretary shall, with the funds made available in accordance with section 306 of this title, allocate funds among the members of the Task Force based on the need for such funds and such other factors as the Task Force deems appropriate to carry out the purposes of this subsection. 0)) FEDERAL AND STATE PROJECT PLANNING. — (1) PLAN PREPARATION. — The Task Force shall prepare a plan to identify coastal wetlands restoration projects, in order of priority, based on the cost-effectiveness of such projects in creating, restoring, protecting, or enhancing the long-term conservation of coastal wetlands, taking into account the quality of such coastal wetlands, with due allowance for small-scale projects necessary to demonstrate the use of new techniques or materials for coastal wetlands restoration. Such restoration plan shall be completed within three years from the date of enactment of this title. (2) PURPOSE OF THE PLAN. — The purpose of the restoration plan is to develop a comprehensive approach to restore and prevent the loss of, coastal wetlands in Louisiana. Such plan shall coordinate and integrate coastal wetlands restoration