Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/881

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PUBLIC LAW 102-484—OCT. 23, 1992 106 STAT. 2675 (5) The term "national technology and industrial base" has the meaning given that term in section 2491. (6) The term "periodic assessment" means the periodic assessment required by section 2505. (7) The term "section 2501 objectives" means the objectives set forth in section 2501. (8) The term "significant reduction", with respect to expenditures for a program for a fiscal year, means tnat the amount provided for that program for that fiscal year in the budget. Acts authorizing appropriations, appropriations Acts, or me fiiture years defense program for that fiscal year is less than the amount provided for that program for the precedingfisc€d}reax in the Dudget, Acts authorizing appropriations, appropriations Acts, or the fiiture years defense program, respectively, for that precedingfiscalyear by at least— (A) the greater of— (i) the amount equal to 10 percent of the amount provided for that precedingfiscalyear; or (ii) $5,000,000; or (B) a lesser amount determined significant by the Secretary of Defense or the National Defense Technology and Industrial Base Council. (9) The term "technology and industrial base sector" has the meaning given such term in section 2491. SEC. 4220. IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE 10 USC 2506. NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL BASE PERI- ODIC PLAN. (a) RULE OF CONSTRUCTION.— Except as otherwise expressly provided, in this section each reference to a section is a reference to a section of title 10, United States Code. (b) INITIAL REGULATIONS. —The Secretary of Defense shall ensure that the initial regulations prescribed to implement section 2506 provide that the national technology and industrial base plan required by such section include the matters set forth in subsections (c) through (f). (c) MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY GUIDANCE. —The initial regulations shall require that the guidance provided for manufacturing technology pursuant to section 2506(b)(4) indude guidance with respect to the following: (1) The National Defense Manufacturing Technology Program established under section 2521. (2) The support of manufacturing extension programs under section 2523. (3) Programs to enhance basic rese£u*ch in scientific disciplines relating to manufacturing technology through— (A) encouraging research in colleges and universities in the United States and in associated centers of excellence; and (B) establishing technology transfer mechanisms, and technology education and traimng mechanisms, that ensure that the results of such research are readily available to United States industry. (4) Programs for encouraging the use of computerintegrated manufacturing to improve manufacturing quality, reduce manufacturing costs, reduce production lead times, and improve maintenance.