Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 106 Part 3.djvu/882

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106 STAT. 2676 PUBLIC LAW 102-484—OCT. 23, 1992 (5) Programs for enhancing Department of Defense use of concurrent engineering practices in the design and development of weapon systems. (6) Programs providing incentives for firms in the national technology and industrial base to use advanced manufacturing technology and processes and to invest in improved productivity. (7) Programs for encouraging research in colleges and universities and in other technology development and extension programs in the United States tor development of systems that build on the skill and experience of workers. (8) Programs for assisting in the transition to high performance work systems, including ongoing worker involvement in the evaluation, selection, and installation and operation of production technologies and associated organization or work. (d) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGIES GUIDANCE.— The initial regulations shall require that the guidance provided pursuant to section 2506(b)(5) for the development of each critical technology include the following: (1) The specific funding requirements of the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy and other departments and agencies of the Federal Government for the development of the technology for the 5 fiscal years following the fiscal year in which the plan is submitted to Congress pursuant to section 2506(e). (2) A designation of the lead organization within the Department of Defense or the Department of Energy to be responsible for the development of the technology. (3) A summary description of the lead organization's plan for the development of the technology, including the milestone goals. (e) FINANCIAL POLICY GUIDANCE. —The initial regulations shall require that the guidance provided pursuant to section 2506(b)(6) with regard to financial policies of the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy (for national security programs) include guidance with respect to the following: (1) Policies relating to progress payments or other financing by the Department of Defense. (2) Policies relating to the return on contractor investment. (3) Policies relating to the allocation of contract nsk between the Department of Defense and a contractor. (f) COMMERCIAL-MILITARY INTEGRATION GUIDANCE. —The initial regulations shall require that the guidance provided pursuant to section 2501(c) regarding integration of commercial products and processes into Federal acquisition practices include guidance with respect to the following: (1) Expanding the use of comjnercial specifications in place of Federal Government specifications. (2) Increasing the use of commercial manufacturing processes instead of processes specified by the Federal Government. (3) Reducing the extent of unique government regulatory requirements relating to accounting and acquisition. (4) Identifying and ensuring the effective application by the Department of Defense and the Department of Energyr (for national security programs) of researcn, technologies, products, information, and practices developed by other departments and agencies of the Federal (zovernment, State and local