Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/1043

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PUBLIC LAW 103-317—AUG. 26, 1994 108 STAT. 1759 LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION PAYMENT TO THE LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION For payment to the Legal Services Corporation to csirry out the purposes of the Legal Services Corporation Act of 1974, as amended, $415,000,000; of which $350,700,000 is for basic field programs; $9,390,000 is for Native American programs; $13,830,000 is for migrant programs; $1,435,000 is for law school clinics; $1,305,000 is for supplemental field programs; $870,000 is for regional training centers; $10,800,000 is for national support; $11,585,000 is for State support; $785,000 is for client initiatives; $1,145,000 is for the Clearinghouse; $655,000 is for computer assisted legal research regional centers; and $12,500,000 is for Corporation management and administration. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISION—LEGAL SERVICES CORPORATION SEC. 403. (a) Funds appropriated under this Act to the Legal Services Corporation and distributed to each grantee funded in fiscal year 1995, pursuant to the number of poor people determined by the Bureau of the Census to be within its geographical area, shall be distributed in the following order: (1) Grants from the Legal Services Corporation and contracts entered into with the Legal Services Corporation under section 1006(a)(1) of the Legal Services Corporation Act, as amended, shall be maintained in fiscal year 1995 at not less than the annual level at which each grantee and contractor was funded in fiscal year 1994 pursuant to Public Law 103- 12L (2) 50 percent of new basic field funds shall be awarded to grantees and contractors funded at the lowest levels perpoor-person (calculated for each grantee or contractor by divid- ,, ing each such grantee or contractor's fiscal year 1994 grant level by the number of poor persons within its geographical area under the 1990 census) so as to fund the largest number of programs possible at an equal per-poor-person amount. (3) 50 percent of new basic field funds shall be allocated to grantees and contractors in an amount that is proportionate to the number of poor people in such grantee or contractor's service area as enumerated in the 1990 census. (b) None of the funds appropriated under this Act to the Legal Services Corporation shall be expended for any purpose prohibited or limited by or contrary to any of the provisions of— (1) section 607 of Public Law 101-515, and that all funds appropriated for the Legal Services Corporation shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as set forth in section 607 of Public Law 101-515, except that the funding formulas and provisos 15, 20 and 22 shall not apply, and all references to "1991" in section 607 of Public Law 101-515 shall be deemed to be "1995", unless subparagraph (2) applies; and (2) authorizing legislation for fiscal year 1995 for the Legal Services Corporation that is enacted into law.