Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/468

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108 STAT. 3958

PUBLIC LAW 103-382—OCT. 20, 1994

Education Act of 1965 to the State for that year bears to the total amount allocated under section 1122 to all States for that year, except that no State shall receive less than $100,000.


"(2) RESERVATION. — (A) The Secretary is authorized to reserve 0.1 percent of the amount appropriated for each fiscal year under section 726 to be allocated by the Secretary among the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and Palau (until the effective date of the Compact of Free Association with the Government of Palau), according to their respective need for assistance under this subtitle, as determined by the Secretary.


"(B)(i) The Secretary is authorized to transfer one percent of the amount appropriated for each fiscal year under section 726 to the Department of the Interior for programs for Indian students served by schools funded by the Secretary of the Interior, as determined under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, that are consistent with the purposes of this Act.


"(ii) The Secretary and the Secretary of the Interior shall enter into an agreement, consistent with the requirements of this part, for the distribution and use of the funds described in clause (i) under terms that the Secretary determines best meet the purposes of the programs described in such clause. Such agreement shall set forth the plans of the Secretary of the Interior for the use of the amounts transferred, including appropriate goals, objectives, and milestones.

"(3) DEFINITION.—As used in this subsection, the term 'State' shall not include the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or Palau.


"(d) ACTIVITIES. — Grants under this section shall be used—

"(1) to carry out the policies set forth in section 721 in the State;

"(2) to provide activities for, and services to, homeless children, including preschool-aged children, and homeless youth that enable such children and youth to enroll in, attend, and succeed in school, or, if appropriate, in preschool programs;

"(3) to establish or designate an Office of Coordinator of Education of Homeless Children and Youth in the State educational agency in accordance with subsection (f);

"(4) to prepare and carry out the State plan described in subsection (g); and

"(5) to develop and implement professional development programs for school personnel to heighten their awareness of, find capacity to respond to, specific problems in the education of homeless children and youth.


" (1) IN GENERAL.— (A) Subject to subparagraph (B), if the amount allotted to the State educational agency for any fiscal year under this subtitle exceeds the amount such agency received for fiscal year 1990 under this subtitle, such agency shall provide grants to local educational agencies for purposes of section 723.

"(B) The State educational agency may reserve not more than the greater of 5 percent of the amount such agency receives under this subtitle for any fiscal year, or the amount �