Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/501

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PUBLIC LAW 103-382—OCT. 20, 1994 108 STAT. 3991 be established by the school boards through their regional or national organizations. "(B) For each year in which the Secretary uses a weighted unit formula established under subsection (a) to fund Bureau schools, a Bureau school which generates less than 168 weighted units shall receive an additional 2 weighted units to defray school board activities. "(C) From the funds allotted in accordance with the formula established under subsection (a) for each Bureau school, the local school board of such school may reserve an amount which does not exceed the greater of— "(i) $5,000, or "(ii) the lesser of— "(I) $15,000, or "(II) 1 percent of such allotted funds, for school board activities for such school, including and notwithstanding any other provision of law, meeting expenses and the cost of membership in, and support of, organizations engaged in activities on behalf of Indian education. "(3) The Secretary shall adjust the formula established under subsection (a) to use a weighted unit of 2.0 for each eligible Indian student that— "(A) is gifted and talented, and "(B) is enrolled in the school on a full-time basis, in considering the number of eligible Indian students served by the school. "(4)(A) The Secretary shall adjust the formula established under subsection (a) to use a weighted unit of 0.25 for each eligible Indian student who is enrolled in a year-long credit course in an Indian or Native language as part of the regular curriculum of a school, in considering the number of eligible Indian students served by such school. "(B) The adjustment required under subparagraph (A) shall be used for such school after— "(i) the certification of the Indian or Native language curriculum by the school board of such school to the Secretary, together with an estimate of the number of full-time students expected to be enrolled in the curriculum in the second school year following the school year for which the certification is made; and "(ii) the funds appropriated for allotment under this section are designated by the appropriations Act appropriating such funds as the amount necessary to implement such adjustment at such school without reducing allotments made under this section to any school by virtue of such adjustment. "(d) The Secretary shall reserve from the funds available for distribution for each fiscal year under this section an amount which, in the aggregate, shall equal 1 percent of the funds available for such purpose for that fiscal year. Such funds shall be used, at the discretion of the Director of the Office, to meet emergencies and unforeseen contingencies affecting the education programs funded under this section. Funds reserved under this subsection may only be expended for education services or programs at a schoolsite (as defined in section 5204(c)(2) of the Tribally Controlled Schools Act of 1988). Funds reserved under this subsection shall remain available without fiscal year limitation until expended. However, the aggregate amount available from all fiscal years may