Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 1.djvu/235

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PUBLIC LAW 104-19—JULY 27, 1995 109 STAT. 219 GENERAL PROVISIONS ' FEDERAL DIRECT STUDENT LOAN PROGRAM SEC. 601. Section 458(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1087h(a)) is amended— (1) by striking "$345,000,000" and inserting "$284,000,000"; and (2) by striking " $2,500,000,000 " and inserting " $2,439,000,000 ". SEC. 602. None of the funds made available in any appropriations Act for fiscal year 1995 may be used by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to promulgate or issue any proposed or final standard or guideline regarding ergonomic protection. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the Occupational Safety and Health Administration from conducting any peerreviewed risk assessment activity regarding ergonomics, including conducting peer reviews of the scientific basis for establishing any standard or guideline, direct or contracted research, or other activity necessary to fully establish the scientific basis for promulgating any standard or guideline on ergonomic protection. CHAPTER VII LEGISLATIVE BRANCH HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PAYMENTS TO WIDOWS AND HEIRS OF DECEASED MEMBERS OF CONGRESS For payment to the family trust of Dean A. Gallo, late a DeanA. Gallo. Representative from the State of New Jersey, $133,600. JOINT ITEMS JOINl^ ECONOMIC COMMITTEE (RESCISSION) Of the funds made available under this heading in Public Law 103-283, $460,000 are rescinded. JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING (RESCISSION) Of the funds made available under this heading in Public Law 103-283, $238,137 are rescinded. OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT SAI^ARIES AND EXPENSES (RESCISSION) Of the funds made available under this heading in Public Law 103-283, $650,000 are rescinded.