Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/903

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PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 109 STAT. 1875 AMNBX I (con.) -8- 9. TCR 1 for chapt-ar 29 la daletad and th» following naw TCRs are Inserted in lieu thereof (continued): 2S. (A) A dMnge to MMMdIna* »15.22 through 291S.31 fna arif otiwr otMiMdlna, Includina mtlwr wMoading Htthin that groiv, oxcapt froi nMoading 2915.21; or (•) A dung* to wMiMdIn** 2915.22 through 2915.31 frca wUiMdfna 2915.21, rfwthcr or not tfcaro Is •loo a chango froi any othor lUMioocHi^, ineluding anethtr wMMOding irithln that gro(9, provided tharo la a ragicnat valua conttnt of not laaa than: (1) 60 parcant Mhsra the tranaaction valua aathod la uaad. or (2) SO parcant Mhara the nat coat eathod <a uaad. 29. A ciian«a to atMa«11nt 2915.32 froai any othor auUiaadli«. 30. (A) A ehanga to at«Mad<n«a 2915.33 through 2915.3* frcn mv other auUiaadlna, tnetudtna another aiMiaadlni irithtn that group, axcapt frca suUiaading 2915.21; or (I) A ehanga to aiMiaadlnga 2915.33 through 2915.34 frcn suUwading 2915.21, Mhathar or not thara la alto a ehanga frm any othw auUiaad1i«, Including another aiiiheading ulthfn that groiv, provided thara la a regional value content of not laaa than: (1> 60 parcant Nhera the transection valua aathod la usal, or (2) SO psrcant Mhere the net coat aathod la used. 31. A change to auHiaeding 2915.35 from any other aiiihoadlr«. 32. (A) A change to aiMaedlnga 2915.39 through 2915.40 from any ether aiMieeding, Including another aiMaedii« within that group, axcapt from a«Maedltw 2915.21; or (•) A chaf«a to aubheed1i«a 2915.39 throurii 2915.40 from suUieadti« 2915.21, whether or not tharo la alto a chaiwt from any ether «Maadli«, Including another aUbhaeding ufthln thet group, provided there Is e reglml valua content of net leaa than: <1) 60 parcant ahare the transaction value aathod la uaed, or <2) 50 parcant ahere the net cost aathod la uaad. 33. A change to sittaedfnga 29115.50 thrut^ 2915.70 frca ary other aufahaedliw, ineludlf« another auheading within that grot4>. 34. (A> A change to aiiiheed{i« 2915.90 from any other s>Uaadlf«; or (0) A change to valproic salta of auUiaedlrw 2915.90 from valproic aclda of auheading 2915.90. 35. A change to atttiaedlnga 2916.11 through 2917.39 from any other aiiiheading. Including another aiAheading within that grap. 36. A change to siMsedings 2918.11 threu^ 2918.21 from any other 8Uihead1i«, including another aitteeding within thet amp. 37. (A) A change to iubheedliwa 2918.22 through 2918.Z3 frea any other aiMiaeding, including another aUbheading within that groi«>, except from MiAeedltw 2918.21; or (t) A change to aiiihaedtiws 2918.22 through 2918.23 from si«isedii« 2918.21, whether or not there le alaa a ehang* frca any other auheading, ineludii« another aUbheading within that group, provided there Is a regional valua content of net laaa than: (1) 60 parcant where the transection value aathod la uaed, or (2) SO percent where the net cost aathod la uaad.