Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/111

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THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 129. 1856. 91 clerks thus authorized, including arrears now due to temporary clerks to the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven. Sec. 5. And be tt further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treas- Purchase of ury be authorized to purchase for the United States the three stores at ¤*°¥°¤ ¤*A*l**¤**l° the Atlantic dock, at the port of New York, now held by the United d°°k' States under a lease for a term of years, and the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be required for the purpose, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided, That the title to said stores, and the grounds thereunto belonging, shall be made to the United States in such manner as shall be satisfactory to the President. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the commissioner under the C¤mmiSSi<>¤¢¤‘ treaty with Great Britain, of June fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, g§§°',rea;$°?Q;:’,; shall be allowed the sum of four dollars per diem for subsistence, the Great Britain. same to be paid out of the appropriation made on the first of August, V§·X·P· ;%89· eighteen hundred and fifty-six, “ for the prosecution of the work, includ- P0ge’p?`325Q ing pay of commissioner, and all other expenses provided in the first 7 article of the reciprocity treaty with Great Britain." Sec. 7. And be it farther enacted, That in the settlement of the ac- Extra allowcouuts of registers and receivers of the public land-offices, the Secretary '&°°§ Y';" °{°"*§• of the Interior be and he is hereby authorized to allow, subject to the ces: m nm 0 ` approval of Congress, such reasonable compensation for additional clerical services and extraordinary expenses incident to said oiziices as he shall think just and proper, and report to Congress all such cases of allowance at each succeeding session, with estimates of the sum or sums required to pay the same. Sue. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War is Payment nu. hereby authorized and directed to pay to the holders of the war bonds of *+h°*`i¤°d if) **0]** the State of Calitbrnia the amount of money appropriated by act of Con- gfsgghyigsnfinds gress approved May [August] fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four " in 1g5A0h_ 267, payment of expenses incurred and now actually paid by the State of § 9- California for the suppression of Indian hostilities within the said State V°1‘ X· P" 582* prior to the first day of January, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and fifty-four, under the following restrictions and regulations: Before any bonds shall be redeemed by the Secretary of War, they shall be presented to the board of commissioners appointed by the legislature of said State by an act approved April nineteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, and the amount due and payable upon each bond be endorsed thereon by said commissioners. Upon presentation to the Secretary of War of any bond or bonds thus endorsed, it shall be his duty to draw his warrant in favor of the holder or holders thereof for the amount certified to be due upon the same by the said commissioners, upon the Secretary of the Treasury, who is hereby directed to pay the same : Provided, That said amounts in the aggregate shall not exceed the amount of money appropriated by act of Congress approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, said bonds, after redemption, and after taking off the coupons that may remain unpaid, shall be delivered to the Secretary of War to be cancelled. SBC. 9. And be tt further enacted, That there shall be appointed and paid, Addi¤i°¤¤l Q1- in the manner now provided by law, two principal examiners and two as- ,,°Q,":m?f"` sistant examiners, in addition to the examining force now authorized by ners in the Patlaw to be so employed in the Patent-Omce. °“°‘°m°°* Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That the Commissioner of Pat- Payment of ents is hereby authorized to pay those employed in the United States gfgggus “°*£§‘¤ Patent-Otiice from April first eighteen hundred and fifty-four until April h,,,,,,0fo€:' first eighteen hundred and fifty-five, as examiners and assistant examiners of patents, at the rates fixed by law for these respective grades: Provided, That the same be paid out of the Patent-Otlice fund, and that the com— pensation thus paid shall not exceed that received by those duly en-