Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/112

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92 THIRTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 129. 1856. rolled as examiners and assistant examiners of patents for the same period. Examination Sec.11. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of Wm- bg i¤l¤¤ ¤Xp<j>¤S¢$ *-g directed to examine into the amount of expenses Dcccssardy incurred in Eglxssggugos the suppression of Indian hostilities in the late Indian war m Oregon and in Oregon and Washington, by the territorial governments of said Territories, for the Wiglgénggghioa maintenance of the volunteer forces engaged in said war, including pay 1s. of volunteers and that he may, if in his Judgment lt be necessary, direct § Post, p- 205- a commission of three to proceed to ascertain and report to him all expenses incurred for purposes above specified. I Pny of clerk of Sec. 12. And be at further enacted, That the compensation of the clerk

glg`”Sf;1Pz{£;l' of the district and circuit courts of the United States for the southern

ci-ibiug records district of Illinois, for transcribing certain records under the act of Con- ‘;“j2=* hacfs °f gress approved April twenty-third eighteen hundred and fifty-six, shall be 2,;,; QL the same as is authorized by the act of February twenty-six, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, concerning fees and costs for copying records and attending courts during their sittings. I’¤>j¤{¤¤¤ ¤> Sec. 13. And be it fwrther enacted, That there be allowed and paid g?T:§5s;§;?;?,¤ to the late commissioners for settling private land claims in California, Ga1_inmim and appointed under the act of March third eighteen hundred and fifty-one,

tSfl“b“*`S’*‘€ and acts additional thereto, one month’s salary for services rendered sub-

18511 0h_ 4L sequent to March third eighteen hundred and fifty-six, (and to the several Vol. ix- p- 63%- disbursing agents for said commission the same compensation for the re- §1?7~ °h‘ 11 * oeipt and disbursement of monies as are allowed to other disbuxsing othpm, p, 243, cers og the government in California, the same to be paid out of the unexpen e balance of monies heretofore appropriated for the salaries and ’ expenses of said commission.) cBria*K*“%Eer: · Sec. 14h2A_A::;! be itbfungeréiemclicd, That ;..htehS<i<&rctary of the IntekB6s cm of the rior ascer in e num or o ero ees east o e ississippi t at were Mississippi- omitted in the census taken by D. W. Siler in eighteen hundred and fiftyrone, and pay the five thousand dollars appropriated by the eighth section of the act making appropriations for the current and contingent 1854 ch. 167 expenses of the Indian department, approved July thirty·0ne eighteen § 8_ ’ ’ hundred agd €fty—lfLourb to said Indians, according to the per capita distri- Vo1.x.p. 333. ution ma e y the epartment of the Interior in pursuance of the principles contained in the opinion of the Attorney-General of the United States on that subject, of April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one. 5¤1¤ry of Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That the annual com ' . _ _ pensation gzlgggggarzf of the chaplain to the United States Penitentiary shall be five hundred ‘ dohagzg twenty per cent. on the same, from July first eighteen hundred an y- rec. nm Orepay. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That there shall be paid to John minkgzzndilgba Raves, by the Secrfetary of the Senate and Clerk of the House of `epresentatives, out 0 the contingent funds of ·the two houses according to the number of copies of the Congressional Globe and Appehdix taken by eiach, onefcent for every five pages of that work exceeding three thousan pages, or a ong session, or fifteen hundred paves for a short one including the indexes and the laws of the United {States, commencing with this session. Specialexam. Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That the Secretar f h T · - . _ _ y 0 the reas

 2; gglvffk ury be and he is hereby authorized and required to appoint a suitably

g,,,,,,;,,!, at San qualified person as special examiner of drugs, chemicals, medicines, &c», rancisoo. gzgsn Francisco in California, whose annual salary shall be two thousand rs. infsultnie bum. Sec. 18. sind be ·itji¢·rther enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury » be and he IS hereby authorized and directed to cause to be constructed the following buildings. N Eqmmouu,1 At Portsmouth, New Hampshire, for the accommodation of the custom-