Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/121

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THIRTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 161. 1856. 101 Washington Tere~itory.—For a. light.-house at Red Bluff; on Whidby’s Texgshingmn Island, twenty-five thousand dollars. ry` Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury smh, Charles be, and he is hereby authorized to accept from the city of Charleston ton. a conveyance of alot, to be held and used solely for the purposes of a. light-house site, and not otherwise; and that he be authorized to use the appropriations heretofore made for that purpose to erect a. light-house or beacon-light on or near the Battery, in that city, upon the Attorney General certifying to the validicy of such limited title. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the following named lights Sundry ngnm be discontinued, provided the Secretary of the Treasury so directs, viz : °;db° d‘*’°°“°‘“` At Silver Creek, on the southeast shore of Lake Erie, New York. ` Ac Barcelona, (or Portland,) on the southeast shore of Lake Erie, New AS to Port Cum York. ton see 1859 ch. At Port Clinton, in Portage Bay, Ohio. 81. § 8- At Cleveland, east side of entrance to Cleveland, (on the hill,) PM p' 4% Ohio. AL the Northeast Pass of the Mississippi: Provided, The Secretary of the Treasury shall decide said light to be unnecessary. At Dice’s Head, Maine. A1: Parmet Harbor, Massachusetts. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treas- Reexamination ury be and he is hereby authorized be have a reéxamination made (un- *$ *° ’· Sim at der the seventh section of the act approved August three, eighteen bun- °Stpm’ Mass` dred and fifty-four, making appropriations for light-houses, and so forth) N4 of the Point of Rocks, West Port, Massachusetts, to determine whethe·r§ #54* °h'’ or not the 1ight·house authorized for that place is necessary to the com- V01. X. pi 844. merce of that vicinity ; and if reported upon favorably and approved by him, to use the appropriation heretofore made for that purpose, in erecting a light-house and keeper’s dwelling at or near that place. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That if preliminary surveys are p,,,];,,,;,,,,,,-y required to ascertain the necessity for any light-house or other aid pro- Surveysvided for in this bill, or to determine the proper site for the same, or to ascertain more fully what the public exigency requires, the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause the necessary examinations and surveys on the sea-board to be made under the direction of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, and those on the northwestern lakes to be made under the direction of the Bureau of Topographical Engineers ;.and in all cases in Report to com which adverse reports are made, they shall be submitted to Congress at gress of adverse its next session, and in all cases in which the objects authorized are "°P°"‘· favorably reported upon, the works shall be commenced immediately after valid titles and State jurisdiction shall have been obtained to the sites. Sec. 6. And be it farther enacted, That if a good title cannot be Sm on Damr obtained by the United States to Dry Point and Liniken’s Neck, ou the riscotta River, western side of the Damariscotta River, in the State of Maine, the Seo- M°· retary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to cause another suitable site to be selected for the light-house appropriated for at the mouth of ¥5f*;h!;1§;é the said river, by the act of Congress approved August third, eighteen`` hundred and fifty-four. Approved, August 18, 1856. . X .— A makin A ro riations the Tran mation 0 the Unite Cifdtezesqlhlailrby gdean cétemnergandiihtherwke, dughg the ji.¤w$pYear ending the thirtietlh of June, one thousand eight hundred Be it enacted ky the Senate and House ¢y" Representatives of the Mzited States ofeeimerica in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven: