Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/122

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102 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 162. 1856. Gol1ius’1i¤e. For tmnsporcation of the mails from New York to Liverpool, and back, eight hundred and nineteen thousand five hundred dollars: Pro. Notice of dis- vided, That; the Secretary of the Navy is hereby directed to give the notice ‘;;‘;;“;3§‘;n;£ provided in the first section of the act entitled "An act to supply degmm. ciencies 1D the appropriations for the service of the fiscal year ending the 1852 ch 66 zhmieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-cwo," approved Vo1. x. p. 22. the twenty-first July, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, to terminate the arran rements for the additional allowance for the trans ortaf fhU'dl§ ‘·1b NYI: dL P wu 0 the mte tates ma.1 etween ew or an iverpool in the Collins line of steamers as therein provided. Havana line. For transportation of the mails from New York to New Orleans, Qharlest0n, Saw·an ;1:ghhHavana, and Chagres, and back, two hundred and sixty-one t ouszm dollars. P¤¢i6<> IMS- For transportation of the mails from Panama to California and Oregon, End lazily, three hundred and twenty-eight thousand three hundred and ty dollars. 0r¥;;;€°“m§1°W For carrying out the contract entered into by the Post,-Office Departvm, Cum ment under the provisions of the act approved thirtieth August, one 185% cb 105 thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, establishing 21. tri—monthly mail by Vol. x. p. 61. sream vessels between New Orleans and Vera Cruz, via Tampico, sixty- mne thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following sums be and the same are hereby appropriated, for the service of the Post-Office Department for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, out of any moneys in the treasury arising from 1SB6 ® Tw the revenues of said department, in conforniity the act of the second v01_ v_ p 80_ of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-sxx: Bmmenline. For transportation of the mails, in two steamships, from New York, by Southampton, to Bremen, and back, at one hundred thousand dollars

 for each ship ; and in two steamships from New York, by Cowes, to

Havre kno. Havre, and back, at seventy-five thousand dollars for each ship, under the contract with the Ocean Steam Navigation Company of New York, three hundred and Gfsy thousand dollars. m§€g"ég$;;;iS· For transportation of the mails between Charleston and Havana, 2 sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars.

 Isthmus of For transportation of the mails across the isthmus of Panama, one

‘m‘“““· hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars. Approved, August 18th, 1856. A . 18 18 . . . .

 CHh$.gLXII.—An Act making Appropnatzons for the Legislative, Executive, and Judigzld  5;¢;1;;;;g/` uovemment for the Har ending the thirtietlz ofJune, eighteen hundred

& it enacted tire Senate and House of Representatives of zhe United States of Amenm m Congress assembled, That the following sums be and the sanne are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending the thxrtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and M§ l ti fifty-seven, namely : Pay of samp IéEGISLeTIVE. For compensation and mileage of Senators, one hungors, re and eight. thousand eight hundred and seventzy-two dollars.

£¤g;;r:ks¤¤.,¤£  JFor comp6usat10r1 of the officers,  clerks, messeiigersa and others, ro-
Jvin¤ an annual salary 111 hl1G service of the Senate, v1z : Secretary of
 e henate, three thousand SIX hundred dollars ; officer charged with dis-
u&$?€H$S of the Senate, four hundred end eighty dollars ; chief clerk,

svc ou;,a:n five hundred dollars; prmcipal clerk and principal execu- QVG; eg H5 olllcc of the Secretary of the Senate, at two thousand GHG Flhfé 3·D 81Xty dollars each; eight, clerks in the office of the Secréwfy 0 e enaxe, at one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars each ;