Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/123

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THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 162. 1856. 103 keeper of the stationery, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two dollars ; two messengers, one at one thousand and eighty dollars, and one at seven hundred and fifty dollars ; one page, at five hundred dollars; sergeant-at-arms and doorkeeper, two thousand dollars ; assistant doorkeeper, one thousand seven hundred dollars ; postmaster to the Senate, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; assistant postmaster and mail carrier, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars ; two mail boys, at nine hundred dollars each ; superintendent of the document room, one thousand five hundred dollars; two assistants in document room, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; superintendent of the folding room, one thousand five hundred dollars; two messengers, acting as assistant doorkeepers, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; fifteen messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; superintendent in charge of Senate furnaces, one thousand and eighty dollars; assistant in charge of furnaces, six hundred dollars; laborer in private passage, six hundred dollars; two laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; clerk or secretary to the President of the Senate, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two dollars; clerk of Committee on Finance, eighteen hundred and fifty dollars; clerk of printing records, sixteen hundred and sixty-nine dollars and two cents; draughtsman, one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars ; chaplain of Senate, seven hundred and fifty dollars-making seventy-five thousand nine hundred and eighty-three dollars and two cents. For the contingent expenses of the Senate, viz: For binding, forty-tive thousand dollars. For lithographing and engraving, forty-Eve thousand dollars. For books, five thousand dollars. For stationery, twelve thousand dollars. For newspapers, three thousand dollars. For Congressional Globe and binding the same, seventy-two thousand six hundred and fifty-one dollars. For reporting proceedings, including the usual extra compensation to the reporters of the Senate, eight hundred dollars each, ten thousand four hundred dollars. For clerks to committees, pages, police, horses, and carryalls, twenty- seven thousand four hundred and sixty dollars ; Provided, that the amount estimated for compensation of the clerks to the Committee on Finance and Printing be deducted therefrom. For miscellaneous items, twenty thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of members of the House of Repre- Pay of Memsentatives and Delegates from Territories, three hundred and sixty-Eve &?”g”l‘° E:;‘§° thousand and forty-eight dollars. t;,,,,_ PWS ° For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others receiv- Pay of smears ing an annual salary in the service of the House of Representatives, mi °mPl<;Y;:S viz: Clerk of the House of Representatives, three thousand six hundred °f Hmm ° P' dollars; two clerks, at two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars `each ; seven clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; sergeant-at-arms, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; doorkeeper, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; postmaster, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; one messenger, at one thousand seven hundred and Efty-two dollars; librarian, one thousand eight hundred dollars; reading clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerk to Committee of Claims, one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerk to Committee of Ways and Means, one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerk to sergeant—at-arms, one thousand eight hundred dollars; five messengers, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars each ; clerk in charge of books for members, one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerk in charge of stationery, one thousand eight hundred dollars; chaplain, seven hundred and fifty dollars; messenger in charge of the hall, seventeen hundred and forty