Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/14

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xii LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. Page Nation of Indians, and for other purposes," approved seventeenth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-four. May 19, 1858, ch. 43 ... . . . . . . : . · 29 2 Land District in New Mambo. An act to create a land district in the Territory of New Mexico. May 24, 1858, ch. 44 . ,... 202 R l` S ttl ·s on Public Lands in Wisconsin. An act for the relief of Isaac Drew and other e Lgfqiettlergi upon the public lands in the State of Wisconsin. May 24, 1858, ch. 45 293 Postmaster! Quarterly returns, to(prevent awumulatian ¢y‘I An act to prevent the inconvenient accumulation in the Post- ilice Department of Postmasters quarterly returns. May 24, 1858, ch. 46 .., . 293 Public Lands in Oregon and Washinpton, East ay' Cascade Jlbuntains. act for extending the land laws east of the Casca e Mountains in Oregon and Waslnngton Territories. Mlay 29, 1858, ch. 58 .. 293 Columbia Institution for Deaf and Dumb, ye., amendment to Charter. An act to amend the “act to incorporate the Columbia. Institution for the instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, and the Blind," approve} February sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven. May 29, 18o8, 293 ch. 59 ~ .. Location of certain confirmed private Land Claims in An act toprovide for the location of certain confirmed private land claims in the State of Missouri, and for other purposes. June 2, 1858, ch. 81 . ... . . 294 Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriations. An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of government for the year ending the thirueth of June, eighteen hundred and ilRy—nine. June 2, 1858, ch. 82 ... 295 Land Warrants, title to in certain cases-—made personal chattels. An act declaring the title to land warrants in certain cases. June 3, 1858, ch. 84. . . . . . . .. 308 Hafpay to certain widows and orphans, continued. An act to extend an act entitled "An act to continue haltipay to certain widows and orphans," approved February three, eighteen hundred and fifty-three. June 8, 1858, ch. 85 .. . . .. 809 Land Warrants, bcations of in certain cases confirmed. An act confirming locations of land warrants under certain circumstances. June 3, 1858, ch. 86 ... . . 309 Payment of certain clerks in Oregon. An act making an appropriation for the payment of clerks employed in the offices of the registers of the land·otHces at Oregon City and Winchester, in the Territory of Oregon. June 5, 1858, ch. 91 ... 310 Boundary Zines between United States Territories and Texas. An act to authorize the President of the United States in conjunction with the State of Texas, to run and mark the boundary lines between the Territories of the United States and the State of Texas. June 5, 1858, ch. 92 . .. . . 310 Consular and Diplomatic Appropriations. An act making appropriations for the consular and diplomatic expenses of the government, for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and nfty-nine. June 5, 1858, ch. 93 .. 310 Christian Indians reservation, conjirmation ¢y"sale of An act to coniirm the sale of the reservation held bg the Christian Indians and to provide a permanent home for said Indians. June 8, 185 , ch. 122 . 312 Settlers on certain public lands in W`zsconsin, relief ¢ An act for the relief of certain settlers on the public lands in the State of Wisconsin. June 9, 1858, ch. 133. ... 313 Registers of Vessels, in whose name to issue. An act to repeal the iiith section of an act entitled "Au act to authorize the register or enrolment and license to be issued in the name of the president or secretary o any incorporated company owning a steamboat or vessel," approved March third, eighteen hundred and twenty-five. June 11, 1858, ch. 145. . 318 Settlers on certain pulzlic Illinois, right oi preemption given to. An act for the relief of settlers on certain lands 1D the State ofois. June 11, 1858, ch. 146 .. 313 Ikvleral District Courts in Texas, term changed. An act to change the time of holding the Spring term of the District Court of the United States for the western district of the State of Texas. June 11, 1858, ch. 147 314 Choctaw cession of Lands of 1830, patents tajssue to certain purchasers if An act for the relief of certain purchasers of lands within the limits of the Choctaw cession of eighteen hundred and thirty. June 11, 1858, ch. 148 ... . 314 Naval Appropriations. An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year endin the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. ’June 12, 1858, ch. 153 314 Civil Expenses Appropriations. An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. Jnme 12, 1858, ch. 154 ... , . . .. . . 319 Supplemental Lsolian Appropriations. An act making supplemental appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, and for fultilling treaty stipulations