Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/15

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LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. xiii Pm with various Indian tribes, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty- nine. June 12, 1858, ch. 155. . 329 Army Appropriations. An act making appropriations for the support of the Army for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and Bftymine. June 12, 1858, ch. 156. . . 332 Collection of Revenue fiom Customs. An act making appropriations for the expenses of collecting the revenue from customs. June 14, 1858, ch. 160. . 837 Militaiy Road in Oregon. An act making an appropriation for the completion of the military road from Astoria. to Salem, in Oregon Territory. June 14, 1858, ch. 161. .. . . 337 Post Roads. An act to establish oertainpost roads. June 14, 1858, ch. 162 . 337 Dejiciency in Indian A rialions for 1858. An act to su ply deficiencies in the appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and Bfty-eight. June 14, 1858, ch. 163 .. . . 362 Ocean Mad Steamer Transportation Approprmtions. An act making appropriations for the transportation of the United States mail by ocean steamers and otherwise, during the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. June 14, 1858, ch. 164.. . 364 Ilaenty Mlliom Loan. An act to authorize a loan not exceeding the sum of twenty millions of dollars. June 14, 1858, ch. 165. . .. . . . 365 Courts in the Territories. An act in relation to counts, and the holding of the terms thereof, in the several Territories in the United States. June 14, 1858, ch. 166. ... . 866 Post-Office Appropriations. An act making appropriations for the service of the Post-Oiiice Department during the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of I une, eighteen hundred and fifty- nine. June 14, 1858, ch.-167 ... . .. . . . . 366 JOINT RESOLUTIONS. N0. 1. Compensation if Members of Congress. Joint resolution to amend the act entitled “An act to regulate the compensation of Members of Congress} approved August sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six. Dec. 23, 1857 .. . ... 367 No. 2. Payment of ezpenses of Investigating Committees. Joint resolution making an appropriation for the payment of expenses of investigating committees of `the House of Representatives. Feb. 18, 1858 .. 367 No. 3. Restoration ofNav_y Officers d1 opped, dc. A resolution to extend and deine the authority of the President under the ant approved January sixteen, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, entitled “An act to amend an act, entitled ‘ an act to promote the ediciency of the Navy} " in respect to dropped and retired naval officers. March 10, 1858 367 No. 4. Officers, de. in search of Sir him Flanklin, may aecept medals. A resolution to authorize certain officers and men engaged in the search for Sir John Franklin, to receive certain medals presented to them by the government of Great Britain. March 16, 1858. 368 No. 5. Distribution of certain Public Documents. Joint resolution respecting the distribution of certain public documents. March 20, 1858 ... . . 368 No. 6. Lieutenant William N .kfers,mayacceptas¢oord. A resolution authorizing Lieut. William N. J effers to accept a. sword of honor from her Majesty the Queen of Spain. April 7, 1858 .. . . . . . 368 No. 7. Expenses ey"Fede»·al Courts in Mah. A resolution providing for the payment of certain expenses of holding the United States Courts in the Territory of Utah. May 4, 1858 . . ... . .. 368 No. 8. Restoration of Navy Ojioers dropped, go. A resolution to extend the operation of the act approved January sixteenth, eighteen hundred and Hfoyeeven, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled ‘an act to promote the eiliciency of the Navy.' “May 11, 1858 .. . · , . . . . 369 N o. 9. Restoration of Nazg Ojws, dropped, yo. A resolution to extend for a further term the provisions of e Joint resolution, approved March tenth, eighteen hundred and Efty- eight, in relation to certain dropped and retired officers of the Navy. May 11, 1858. 369 No. 10. Acknowledgments to certain British Naval Authorities for relief to the ojioers, ye. of the Susuehaimah. A resolution authorizing suimbloacknowledgments to be made by the lresident, to the British naval authorities at Jamaica, for the relief extended to the officers and crew of the United Skates Ship “Susquebannah," disabled by yellow fever. May 11, 1858 ... . .. . .. 369 N0. 11. Accounts of contractorjor Marine Hospital at San Francisco, to be settled. A resolution to authorize the Secretary of the Treasuryto audit and settle the accounts of the contractor for the erection of the United States Marine Hospital, at San Francisco, Cal~ ifomia. Miay 18, 1858 . ,... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 370