Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/247

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THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 108. 1857. 227 For the continuation and completion of the buildings for the United `%9*l;*¤<;_· States courts and post—office at Rutland and Windsor, Vermont, forty m s° ‘ thousand dollars each, (with ten per cent. for contingencies.) For completing and fitting up the post—office in the building erected for a custom-house and post-offices at Cincinnati, four thousand three hun- Cincinnati. dred and thirty-eight dollars and ninety cents. For completing the custom—house at Belfast, Maine, and for furnishing Belfast the same, three thousand five hundred dollars, with ten per cent. for contingencies. For completing the custom-house at Bath, Maine, five thousand Eve Bath. hundred dollars. For fencing and grading the site of the custom-house at Bath, Maine, ten thousand dollars. For enlarging the custom-house at Ogdensburg, New York, and pro- Ogdensburg. viding for the uses of the United States courts and their federal officers, fifty thousand dollars, with ten per cent. on the same for contingencies. - For repaving Pennsylvania Avenue at the intersection of Seventh Pennsylvania street, the width of said street, on the plan known as “Belgian pave- A""““°· ment," the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary for that purpose. For furnishing lamp-posts and lamps on the north, east, and west sides Lafayette Square of Lafayette Square, and for taking up and relaying the footways on the south side of said square, and underdraining the same, the sum of one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars. For expenses of packing and distributing the Congressional Journals, Packing, &c. and documents, in pursuance of the provisions contained in the joint reso- d°f,‘;:°'"‘“‘25_,, lntion of Congress, approved twenty-eighth January, eighteen hundred 379. ’ pp` ' and fifty-seven, twenty-two thousand dollars. For a small class revenue cutter, to be located in the collection district Revenue cutter orf Key West, five thousand five hundred dollars. “* KW W°“· To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to cause such experiments Ex mmmts on and analyses of different beds of ore, as to test whether any of such ores, 0mg_P in their native state, possess alloys that will resist the tendency to oxidise to a greater extent than others, and to assertain under what circumstances they are found, and where, in order to facilitate the proper selections of iron for public works, two thousand five hundred dollars. For completing and furnishing the building purchased of the Bank of Posteomqe in Pennsylvania to adapt it to the uses of a post-office in the city of Phila- Ph‘M°lPmdelphia., one hundred thousand dollars. For expenses of loans and treasury notes, five thousand dollars ; being Loans and nom. so much of the amount of such appropriation heretofore made as was carried to.the surplus fund on the thirtieth June, hundred and fifty-six, which is hereby reappropriated. To enable the President of the United States to carry into effect the Suppression of act of Congress of the third March, eighteen hundred and nineteen, and ’l"·'°‘*”d°· any subsequent acts, now in force for the suppression of the slave-trade, eight thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of State to pay for the services of Dr. James Dr. James Mor- Morrow as, agriculturist to the Japan expedition under Commodore "°‘”· Perry, such sum as shall be found due under the act for his relief, approved eighteenth February, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, five thou- 55:; °h·5z%· sand nine hundred and ninety··five dollars and sixty cents, or so much ’ p` ` thereof as may be necessary. For the erection of a temporary capitol for Washington Territory, thirty _C“Plt°1 Md P¤¤· thousand dollars, and for a penitentiary in the same Territory, twenty ilgsgmtgf rep thousand dollars, inclusive of the sites of the buildings: Provided, That rltory. each building shall be finished for the sums herein appropriated. To enable the committee on the library to contract with Mr. Healy for Portraits of a series of portraits of the Presidents of the United States for the exec- P"“‘“°""