Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/248

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228 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 108. 1857. utive mansion : Provided, The cost of the same shall not exceed one thousand dollars for the full—length portraits, the sum offive thousand dollars is hereb appropriated; or, in the discretion of the committee, to purchase such ofpSd1art’s portraits of the Presidents as shall be for sale. Buildings at For building a court-house and post-office at Raleigh, North Carolina, R*l°lSh· fifty thousand dollars. Columbia. For building a court-house and post-office at Columbia, South Carolina, fift thousand dollars. Madison. Por building a court-house at Madison, Wisconsin, fifty thousand dollars. Memphis. For a court-house and post-office at Memphis, in the State of Tennessee, fifty thousand dollars. ·p,,r;,hm%_ For a building at Tallahassee, Florida, to accommodate the United States courts and post-office, fifty thousand dollars. Qurlieinryin the To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the salaries of the judges £§;;l¤° C°· of the circuit and orphans' courts of the District of Columbia, for the year gpldrng fl une thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, tour thousand and ty dollars. _ _ For the completion of a United States court-house and post-oliice at Q'?;?!"? ’·* K°Y Key West, Florida, thirty thousand dollars, with ten per cent. for contingencies, and so much as may be necessary for the purpose of a suitable site for the same. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United P}‘¤¤id¤¤¤ al1' States be and he is hereby autherized to appoint or employ, in his otheial “‘°"*°"”°**l*n hldhfll' in — ·- · pom u Primm ouse o , the o owing 0 cers, to wrt. one private secretary at an ansecretary and a nual salary of two thousand five hundred dollars; one steward at an an-

°W*'d md m°s· nual salary of twelve hundred dollars, who shall, under the direction of

ng"' the President, have charge of and be responsable for the plate and furniture of the President’s mansion, and shall discharge such other duties as _ the President may assign him ; and one messenger at an annual salary of Th°“ PW- nine hundred dollars; and such sum as may be necessary to carry into efect the provisions of this section, to the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. And that for contingent expenses of the _Executive con- executive office, including stationery therefor, to be expended under the t"‘g°“°"’S· diriction of the President, from the date of this act to the thirtieth June, ei teen hundred and fift -ei¤ht, seven hundred and fift dollars. B _ _ gSEc. 3. And be it furt/der gnacted, That the Secret:-lr5y of the Treasury vgggggs M Gul' be and he hereby is autherized to the length of the building for the custom-house, post-office, and court-rooms at Galveston, Texas, as many feet as the appropriation heretofore made will admit of being done. Boston Humane Sue. 4. And be it further enacted, That the sum of ten thousand dol- Socicm lars be and the same hereby is appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for continuing the system of protecting human life from shipwreck, as heretofore established, by life-boats and other means, on the coast of Massachusetts ; the said sum to be expended gy the BostfonhHuIr`n;r1e Society, under the direction and control of the `ecretary o the asur . Sec. 5. And be it furtder enacted, That the President of the United swam r‘¤V¤¤¤¤ States be and he is hereby authorized to construct the steam revenue cut- °m"‘ ter provided for by the act of Congress, approved February sixth, eigh- 1857, ch. 82. teen hundred and Efty-seven, entitled "An act to authorize the President A”"’¤ P- 157- of the United States to cause to be procured, by purchase or otherwise, a suitable steamer as a revenue cutter," by contract or otherwise, in any manner which in his 'u ment ma seem best for the ublie interests. DiSv<>Siti¤¤ of Sec. 6. And be it_fi¢r%re>zaeted; That it shall not? be lawful for the ?,l,$,§;°:{";-0';°:h° Secretary of the Interior, in executing the improvements around the Capitol capitol. ordered, in this or in any other act, to sell either the railing, coping. or